Read This Before Ordering a Starbucks Holiday Drink

by Hailey Sepulvado ‘22 It’s that time of year again; Starbucks has released its collection of holiday drinks with their warm and delicious festive flavors! Since there are a plethora of drinks, I taste-tested all of them for you to order the one you think you’ll like best.    Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Latte If you like sweet drinks, this … Read More

Student-run Instagram Accounts Take a Hold

by Tori Newby ’22 The Instagram account frenzy of Sherwood High School began with @shsstupidparking. Accepting photos via DMs, the account exposes cars that have parked over the lines in the school parking lot. After the first post on November 12, the account now has over 600 followers and counting. Students interact with the account, commenting on the posts and … Read More

English Teacher Finds Time To Sponsor Student Organizations

by Daisia Smith ‘22 English teacher Lynnette Evans-Williams wears many titles at Sherwood. While teaching AP Language and Composition and Honors English 9 for five periods a day, Evans-Williams is also the sponsor of both Black Student Union (BSU) and National English Honors Society (NEHS).  Evans-Williams sponsors NEHS  and shares that her “passion for English makes it easier for [her] … Read More

Senior Interns with Maryland State Attorney

by Tori Newby ‘22 As Sherwood seniors take advantage of half-day schedules to attend various jobs and internships, senior Makenna Hill uses her free afternoons to gain experience in a field in which she hopes to work one day. Hill interns at the Family Justice Center, which is a part of the state attorney’s office that provides services to create … Read More

Warriors for Change’ Shifts to Its First Year In-Person

by Perri Williams ‘23 Last school year during virtual learning, students received a homeroom lesson that focused on anti-racism and equality. At the end of the lesson, a survey asked students if they wanted to learn more about the issues raised in the lesson. Sherwood health and PE teacher Heather Giovenco then emailed the students who answered yes, asking if … Read More

Sherwood History with the Northeast Consortium

by Emory Gun ‘22 Last month as Sherwood found itself in the middle of controversy and being labeled a “racist school” by some on social media, students in Montgomery County began re-posting the Instagram account called “mococonnects” that posted an informational graphic in April that claimed, “the history of the Northeast Consortium in MCPS has been rooted in racism, segregation, … Read More

English Teacher Bikes to Make a Difference and Tests Herself

by Lauren Frank ‘23 English teacher Christiane Lock participated in a strenuous 310-mile bike ride from September 30 to October 3 on the Great Allegheny Passage, stretching from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Gaithersburg, Maryland. Lock was one of hundreds of cyclists who participated in the ride, raising money for the Operation Second Chance Organization that supports wounded and disabled veterans, specifically … Read More

Sherwood Plans for First Homecoming Dance in Two Years

by Evan Joseph ‘23 While still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, many students are wondering what  Sherwood’s homecoming will be like when it occurs on October 23. Will students have to wear masks? Will the dance be indoors? Will there be social distancing or capacity requirements?  In the September 15 issue of MCPS Quicknotes, the county released guidance … Read More

For College Students, Delta Variant with a Side of Anxiety

by Emory Gun ‘22 Classes are back in session, and students of all ages are returning to classrooms after a year or more of virtual school. Transitioning back to fully in-person school is a major change for everyone, but current college freshmen and a number of sophomores have gone from being quarantined to living away from home for the first … Read More

Local Soundcloud Rapper Makes His Impact on Sherwood

by Liam Trump ‘24 In recent years, Soundcloud rappers have become a staple of the Sherwood community. Soundcloud, the popular music sharing website, has garnered popularity amongst teens as the definitive way of uploading songs in the rap sub-genre. Heavily influenced by artists like Jimi Hendrix, Young Thug, and Bob Marley, sophomore Alex Lanning took on the challenge of posting his … Read More