With Film Class, Burnsky Takes A New Approach to U.S. History

by Devin Kosiorowski ‘24 Social studies teacher Ryan Burnsky has debuted a new history elective this year dubbed American History Through Film. The one-semester class follows American history by watching movies that follow a specific timeline. “We have a list of films we can show. We go through each topic of history. We start with the first colonies and pre-contact … Read More

Sherwood Brings Back the Model UN Club This Year

by Liam Trump ‘24 With sponsorship from Staff Development Teacher Anne Taylor, Model United Nations (UN) has made its way back to Sherwood this year. The club role-plays countries at local and regional conferences. Students will act as delegates representing a nation’s values and debate policies with countries represented by Model UN delegates from other schools. For every upcoming conference, … Read More

Exchange Program Offers an American Cultural and Educational Experience

by Charlotte Koderhold ‘23 Through a high school exchange program, I am spending the second semester of the school year at Sherwood after coming to Maryland from my native country of Austria, where I live in the capital city of Vienna. The unforgettable experiences have allowed me to make my very own American high school movie and they have provided … Read More

Students Negotiate Right Speaking Voice To Fit In

by Timaya Pulliam ‘23 Code-switching is when someone goes back and forth with the type of language/speech/voice that they use around different groups of people. This alteration of language is most common in minority communities and often occurs in school even if it is unnoticed. It is a learned behavior often used to assimilate in different spaces. Code-switching can be … Read More

Sherwood Fashion Club ‘Recycles The Runway’

by Lauren Frank ‘23 Sherwood’s Fashion Club held its first ever fashion show during lunch on May 26, featuring numerous handmade outfits designed and modeled by the club members. Spending countless hours on the project in English teacher Ashley Graham-Bell’s room, this creative group met almost every week preparing for the show. Junior Arya Sharma, the club’s president, wanted to … Read More

Beloved Bookstore Closes Its Doors

by Anna Haas ‘23 Cricket Book Shop has been a cornerstone of the Ashton and Olney-Sandy Spring community and has now, after five decades, decided to close its doors. In late July of 1969, Nan Yarnall, then a teacher at Sandy Spring Friends School, opened Cricket Book Shop in its original location, a building that is unfortunately no longer there. … Read More

Rock ‘n’ Roll Cast Prepares for First Show in Two Years

by Matt Kauffman ‘23 One year and ten months after the closure of MCPS schools due to the Coronavirus, the setlist for Rock ‘n’ Roll 50 has been released and rehearsals have begun. This year’s show, named Timeless, will be the first in two years, and the band and cast members have been eager to get back into the process … Read More

Teachers’ Sweet and Savory Holiday Favorites

by Riley Sandoval ‘22 The holiday season is a great time to come together with some tasty food and baked goods. Here are some of Sherwood teachers’ favorite holiday recipes!  Culinary teacher Lisa Gilbert’s favorite holiday recipe is for golden pecan tassies. For Gilbert, the holidays were filled with baking holiday cookies, including these tassies that her mom would only … Read More