Summer 2024 Will Be Hottest in History

by Ziv Golan ’26 Over the past few years, the effects of climate change have become more of a real-life problem rather than a scary possibility in the far-off future. The scorching heat in recent summers, coupled with unseasonably warm temperatures in winter and fall, has made climate change a much more noticeable reality for people around the globe. Even … Read More

Biden Administration Shifts Position in Midst of Israel-Hamas War

by Evelyn San Miguel ’26 As Israel has continued to wage its war against the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza, the United States, and more specifically the Biden Administration, has faced increasing pressures to shift its diplomatic approach. Israel’s latest aerial missions in the strip have seen significant civilian casualties, adding to the over 34,000 Gazans dead since the beginning … Read More

Screens Proving Detrimental to Childhood Development

by Devin Kosiorowski ‘24 It’s common to walk into any sort of public setting and see a young child, with their parents, who is staring at a phone or tablet screen. Parents frequently, if understandably, rely heavily on screens to keep their children occupied. Researchers are only just discovering the long term effects of extended screen time on young children … Read More

Screens Causing Attention Span and Education Deficits

by Noah Bair ‘24 As Paul Simon once sang, “A man walks down the street, he says ‘Why am I short of attention? Got a short little span of attention.’” Now more than ever, this statement holds true. The current average attention span is 47 seconds, compared to the 150 seconds that it used to be just two decades ago. … Read More

Parents and Teens Often at Odds over Phone Use

by Dasun Panapitiya ‘24 Over the past decade, technology use among teenagers has been growing rapidly. With global smartphone corporations dominating the technology and communication markets, it becomes a relatively simple feat to arm every person with mini-compact computers that are exponentially stronger than the one that sent a man to the moon half a century ago. This also means … Read More

States Pursue Changes to Social Media for Minors

by Briana Sisler ‘24 In the past few years many legislators in states across the country have raised concerns about the impact of social media on minors. As a result, a wave of laws are restricting or banning access to social media. California passed legislation to require privacy and safety settings for minors on social media; Utah signed a law … Read More

The History of Mifepristone in a Timeline

by Audrey Farris ’25 Mifepristone is a two-pill regimen used to end a pregnancy within the first 10 weeks of gestation, and more than half of the abortions nationwide are performed using this chemical method. Mifepristone blocks the body’s progesterone which is needed for a pregnancy to continue. Approval of and access to Mifepristone is being reconsidered after a ruling … Read More

AI-written Songs Catch Music Industry Off Guard

by Brian Wilbur ‘24 In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent, the music industry recently discovered that it is not immune to its influence. Recently, several AI-generated songs have been released that sound almost identical to real artists, such as Drake, The Weeknd, Travis Scott, and more. The technology behind these AI-generated songs is based on … Read More

University of Idaho Murders Tragically Has All “True Crime” Fascination

by Maggie Reese ‘24 The murder of four college students at the University of Idaho grabbed the attention of the country for nearly two months last November and December. The killings have already resulted in multiple podcasts covering the case, as well as lengthy segments on Dateline, 60 Minutes, 48 Hours. In a time when “true crime” stories have been … Read More

Threat of Authoritarianism Remain High around the World

by Solaiman Hassanin ‘23 The dangers of authoritarian tendencies in major democracies across the globe continue to ring alarm bells. In Brazil, many considered Lula Da Silva’s victory over Jair Bolsonaro a narrow escape from the most populous county in South America tumbling into fascism. At the same time, concerns in India over increasing far-right success continue to hover over … Read More