“Stop Your Toxic Masculinity Baby; It’s the Sign of the Times.”

by Martholdy Pierre-Canel ‘21 Conservative Candance Owens recently started an internet war between her and Harry Styles’ fans after posting a hateful tweet commenting on Styles wearing a dress on the cover of Vogue. It’s about time we stop acting like a male wearing feminine clothing is something we’ve never seen before. To those opposed to something as simple and … Read More

COVID-19 Impacting the Film Industry . . . Maybe Permanently

by Amanda Lo ‘21 Eight months ago, my favorite thing to do was visit local movie theaters with my dad and spend the night eating popcorn and drinking coke in a dark theater. Unfortunately, for the last few months, watching movies in theaters has not been possible because of the ongoing health crisis. Imagine the toll that has had on … Read More

What Trended in November?

by Selene Ashewood ‘22 For every election year that has coexisted with the internet, people comedically extend it to the non-voting world. This means personifying things like fictional characters, dog breeds, candles, etc., then theorizing which American party they’d lean to and who they would hypothetically vote for. On Sunday, the phrase “Gaston” reached the number six spot of trending … Read More

Video Games Cure Isolation

by Joseph Oscilowski ‘22 I feel trapped, alone, isolated. Quarantine has negatively affected a lot of people, including myself. I’ve seen my friends maybe five or six times since March, and even that could be considered a lot to those with parents who are very strict about quarantining. Luckily though, us “tech-addicted” kids, as older generations love to call us, … Read More

Witchtok Spreads Positivity

by Joseph Oscilowski ‘22 TikTok often facilitates the education of numerous different cultures, customs, and practices from all around the world, promoting cultural appreciation rather than appropriation. Among some of these cultures rose the education of witchcraft and its many various forms of practice.  Many “experienced” witches have started to share the knowledge that they have learned over their time practicing, … Read More

Shifting: A Tutorial

by Joseph Oscilowski ’22 As a quick summary, “shifting” is a term now used to describe the act of moving one’s consciousness from this current reality (CR) to one’s desired reality (DR). This idea uses the multiverse theory, stating that every decision or action we make shifts us into a new reality, with every possible decision or action we could’ve … Read More

Netflix ‘Wonder’ Shows Life on the Road for Mendes

by Devon Goldstein ’21 In recent years, singer/songwriter Shawn Mendes has become a major star in the music industry. With four major albums in the past six years, his fame has grown tremendously within the music community. With these albums came three world tours, ending in his most recent one for his album “Shawn Mendes” that was released in May … Read More

‘On The Rocks’ Is A Cozy Slice-Of-Life

by Jack Miller ’21 With her newest film, “On The Rocks,” director Sofia Coppola returns to the dreamy slice-of-life style which defined her earlier works to tell the story of Laura (Rashida Jones), a middle-aged New York mother who begins to have doubts about the faithfulness of her husband, Dean (Marlon Wayans). To ease her mind, she enlists the help … Read More

‘The Queen’s Gambit’ Takes Viewers on Epic Sports Journey

by Peyton Blumenfeld ‘22 When you think of exciting sports, chess may not be the first one to come to mind. Typically, watching two opponents sit opposite one another without speaking or moving much is not the most fascinating scene. This is what is so ingenious about the new Netflix limited series “The Queen’s Gambit.” This period-piece drama is certain to … Read More

Mandalorian Season 2 Slowly Living Up to the Hype

by Graham Skinker ‘21 Following a wildly successful first season, Disney’s hit Star Wars spinoff show, “The Mandalorian,” came into season two with tremendous expectations and midway through is starting to deliverSeason two started off very slow, falling into a bit of a similar trap as season one did. In both seasons the first episode was very action-packed while also … Read More