Obama To Cause Epic Doomsday

by Alex Porter ‘13 After a disappointing first term, Americans who anticipated an Armageddon to accompany President Obama’s time in office are ready to give him another shot. Without the looming specter of reelection, the paranoid who await the end of days hope that the president will bring the doomsday they were promised. America’s first black, Muslim, non-citizen, lizard antichrist … Read More

Fun Holiday Carol

Rudolph Got Run Over By My Grandma Just as he arrived on Christmas Day She had gotten sick and tired of hearing that song where she gets trampled by a sleigh. She’d been listening to the radio and she nearly lost her breath yellin’ cuss words at the DJ for playin’ that song where she gets hooved to death. So … Read More

Just a Friend

by Robel Wondimu ’13 I never understood why people say high school is going to be the best experience of your life or the most fun you’ll ever have. Maybe, if you plan on being homeless when you’re older. Oh wait, most of the people who think high school is the most fun they’ll ever have will be homeless when … Read More

Campaign Ads Taken Too Far

by Melissa Fajardo ’13   It seems like a new presidential campaign commercial is airing every other day. Yet, all the commercials are the same; they each have a still photo of a candidate with a voice dubbed over that makes everything sound 10 times worse than it is. The negative commentary distorts the photos too,  and puts the candidates … Read More

Freshmen Fight Seniors for Lunch Spot

by Cal Wilson ’14 “Within high school, a social group may interact aggressively towards its peers in order to find a place of solitude to relieve stress from the tedious work they do throughout the day. Students often begin to exhibit animal-like characteristics and may even engage in violent behavior if their stress is not relieved in a tranquil eating … Read More

Word Search: Week 3

Classes at Sherwood Please print out and enjoy the word search below! If you press on the image below, you will be directed to a printable version.  Words: Journalism, English, US History, Yearbook, Astronomy, Algebra, Horticulture, Chambers, World History, Band, Fashion Design, Art, Spanish, French, Ceramics Solution:  

Word Search: Week 2

Basketball Please print out and enjoy the word search below! If you press on the image below, you will be directed to a printable version. Words: Basketball, timeout, assists, steals, free throw, bench, referee, foul, rebound, pass, dunk, three pointer, five, teammates, defense  Solution:

Word Search: School

Please print out and enjoy the word search below! If you press on the image below, you will be directed to a printable version. Words: Sherwood, paper, clubs, warrior, pencil, sports, classroom, basketball, football, English, hallway, fields, science, desk, office, counseling, art, labs, history, cafeteria, gym, computers Solution:

Advice to Freshmen: Tips on How to Get the Least Out of High School

by Caroline McCue ’12 First, I think it is important that you take a moment to remind yourself why you are really here at school. This will help you to attain an attitude of active indifference. Students go to school because they have to, and that is basically where you should stop caring. If you take the following advice to … Read More

Sudoku: Week 2

Please print out and enjoy the Soduku puzzle below! If you press on the image below, you will be directed to a printable version. Solution: