Just a Friend

by Robel Wondimu ’13

I never understood why people say high school is going to be the best experience of your life or the most fun you’ll ever have. Maybe, if you plan on being homeless when you’re older. Oh wait, most of the people who think high school is the most fun they’ll ever have will be homeless when they’re older.

Everyone knows who I’m talking about. It’s always the frat boy types that frequent every party, drink, smoke and get with every girl. I also never understood why girls are so into these idiots who don’t seem to have too bright of a future ahead.

I’ve always tried so hard to not be that guy: the guy who gets the girl, but for all the wrong reasons. I’ve always tried to be a decent gentleman, and this often gets misunderstood as a sign of weakness, homosexuality or mistaken religion (conservative orthodox boy in this case).

On Twitter and Facebook you always see girls complain about how all guys are jerks or don’t understand anything, when half the time they put themselves into a bad situation.

I don’t know if girls are actually into the dumb, rebel kid who is an idiot in school, but if they are they need to set their sights and standards a lot higher. Ladies, he is no good.

In my case I think I’ve done all the right things and still get sidelined as just a friend. And I know I’m not just some misunderstood loner because it’s a common occurrence among the group of friends I associate with.

I usually find the idea of karma to be psychosomatic, but in this case I find it to be relieving. This is because I know some guys may have their time to shine now by playing every sport and being “in,” but in the future, when things matter, is my domain. I plan on doing something meaningful with my life beyond superficial high school partying and chasing tail.

For all you other hopeless romantics out there, don’t even sweat it. High school is not a defining time for the rest of your life or even an indicator of how you’ll fare in future relationships. I like to remind myself that high school relationships are only a quick fling and rarely last. It would be easier to avoid the drama that comes with it than get involved in the first place.