Men Can Be Victims, Too

by Natalie Murray ‘18 After 19-year-old Ben Glaze’s American Idol audition, his name was all over social media – but not for a good reason. In his audition, he confessed that he’d never kissed a girl before. Upon hearing this, judge Katy Perry asked him to come forward and kiss her cheek. Though he appeared hesitant, he nervously approached the … Read More

Prom Theme Is Untimely and Insensitive

by Mallory Carlson ’19 With the senior prom coming up in less than two months, it seems timely that the theme would be announced so that students can begin to think more about and get excited for the night and what they will wear and what the decorations will be like. What does not seem timely is the theme itself … Read More

Do Two Wrongs Make A Right?

by Ayana Antoine ’20  Sometime within the last week, a senior wrote what became a controversial letter regarding bullying at school. He wrote about a bully and named him Brandon, and he shared the daily hell Brandon put his peers through. Most people use the anonymous name of John Doe when keeping the identity of someone a mystery, but most … Read More

Not So Once-Upon-a-Prom

by Emma Shuster ’18 Many girls dream of going to their senior prom as a little girl. They dream of getting the perfect date, hair, makeup, jewelry, shoes, and, most importantly, the dress. Prom typically takes place in May, a few weeks before graduation. However, festivities such as finding the perfect dress takes place a few months in advance. A facebook … Read More

Let More Teens Vote

by Katherine Sperduto ’19 Demanding reform in our government, protests and backlash by the young adult population has burgeoned since the last school shooting in Parkland, Florida on Valentines day. After that tragic loss of 17 innocent lives, marches, protests, heated debates, and bickering over social media has drawn much needed attention to the issue of gun violence and protecting our … Read More

It Isn’t ‘Politicizing an Issue’ If It Saves Lives

by Hena Hussain ‘20 Yet another shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, claiming lives that should not have been lost. Both sides of the political aisle can agree that acts of violence like this are completely unjust and horrific for the American people to experience. One thing that our leaders cannot seem to agree on, however, is how we … Read More

The Unchecked Abuses of Coaches

by Noah Corman ’19 Coaches sometimes act unnecessarily cruel towards their athletes; that is no mystery. The real question is why athletes tolerate this treatment. If a math teacher were to, in front of the whole class, tell one of their students that they were by far the dumbest student, then that would certainly be unacceptable. A teacher cannot do … Read More

All Athletes Matter

by Adina Brenner ’20 The enthusiastic and supportive cheers of family and friends almost every weeknight at the varsity boys’ basketball games can be heard from miles away. Other weeknights, the gym belongs to the varsity girls’ who demonstrate just as much determination and talent in their games as their male counterparts however the only difference between them is the … Read More

Us Too

by Colleen Yates ’18 Over winter break my friends and I attended a New Years Eve Party. At the party I was made very uncomfortable as I felt that a guy was sitting much closer to me than I was comfortable with. The day we returned to school I was surprised to hear multiple complaints among my lunch group that … Read More

Pence Fails To See True Meaning of Olympics

by Sabrina Rickert ’19 In the beginning of 2016 Otto Warmbier, an American university student, visited North Korea on a guided tour, but while there was arrested for theft. He was imprisoned for 17 months until he died from lack of oxygen and blood to the brain in June of 2017. It is a tragically severe punishment for a minor … Read More