Video of Questionable Arrest Goes Viral

by Martholdy Pierre-Canel ’21 Fashion Businessman and Social Media Influencer Suliman “Facet” Hasan, who is African-American, posted a video of him being wrongly detained by police in Fulton County, Georgia on September 14. The video has received more than 84,000 views. In the incident, the police were called to The Georgian Terrace apartment complex in response to a complaint about … Read More

Students Strike for Change

by Zach Seymour ’20 This Friday, September 20, people around the world will come together to advocate for concrete climate initiatives and reform. The Global Climate Strike is based on the model of FridaysForFuture created by teen activist Greta Thunberg. The event on Friday is meant to send a message to the leaders of the international community that the people … Read More

‘Wear Orange’ Events Allow Communities to Combat Gun Violence

by Hena Hussain ‘20 With incidents of gun violence increasing, people have started to become more involved in activism to end such occurrences. One of these movements that many have participated in is Wear Orange for Gun Safety, which was started after the death of 15 year old Hadiya Pendleton in 2013 when she was fatally shot. Every year, Wear … Read More

Pro v Con: Electoral College

by Jonah Sachs ’20 The Electoral College has been a part of the nation’s history since its very foundation, creating a “checks-and-balances” system for elections. The idea behind the system is hardly complex, but in practice, the Electoral College presents various issues and resolutions for many problems the country faces. It has existed within the United States for almost 300 … Read More

Outbreak Threatens To Kill All Bananas

by Sarah Nove ’20 Bananas were the most popular fresh fruit in America in 2016, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. The United States is one of the world’s top banana importers, but a “beautiful bunch ‘o ripe banana” is getting harder to find in many grocery stores. It’s not due to tariffs, seasons, or higher rates of … Read More

Depression, Anxiety on the Rise among Teens

by Devon Goldstein ’21 Many teens know what it is, many have had it, but only a few talk about it with others. That is where the problem starts to worsen. Depression is being in a constant state of sadness where one feels there is no way out. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. Teens now are … Read More

Democrats Propose Switch to Popular Vote

by Ryan Duvall ’21 Earlier this Spring, multiple high-profile Democratic candidates for President, including Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, called for the Electoral College to be abolished. While at a town hall in Mississippi, Warren explained that the country needs a new, different system where “every vote counts.” Democrats have cited the 2000 and 2016 elections when addressing the problem in … Read More

History of the Controversy Surrounding the Electoral College

Will Unger ’19 In the wake of the 2016 Presidential Election, there’s been a lot of buzz around the Electoral College. Though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, Donald Trump received more electoral votes, and became America’s 45th president. To understand why this can occur, and why the Electoral College has always been a subject of debate, you must first … Read More

Smollett Worries Minorities From the Precedent Set

by Jonah Sachs ’20 On February 20, actor Justin “Jussie” Smollett, a gay, black Chicago resident was convicted of staging a hate crime against himself outside of his apartment nearly a month prior. Meticulously orchestrated, Smollett single-handedly soiled the credibility of minority citizens everywhere. In a “boy who cried wolf” scenario, many abused minorities are fearful for the future and … Read More

Refugee Crisis Consists of Individual Stories

by Hena Hussain ’20            With a growing number of global conflicts, many throughout the world have been displaced from their homes and lives. Many of these refugees choose to seek asylum in the United States, at a time when the Trump administration is restricting immigration. While Americans are familiar with the broad idea of the refugee crisis, many are not … Read More