‘Danger Days’: The Same Old Cynicism with a Splash of Color

by Andi Hubbell ‘11 Screeching electric guitar music resonates, and a fiery explosion ensues. Within a matter of seconds, a brightly painted Trans Am races around the bend of a dusty desert road. A second, sleek black car and motorcade closely follow. The Trans Am’s passengers, the members of My Chemical Romance, promptly put the rainbow-colored ray guns they are … Read More

‘Burlesque’ Lacks Flavor, Fun

by Leah Schroeder ‘13   When would it end? Twenty minutes of intrigue, followed by, well, nothing. Everything that happens is predictable and the end couldn’t come soon enough. When the credits finally start rolling, however, there isn’t even a satisfying end to prelude it. Steven Antin’s “Burlesque” is boring, adding nothing to the same-old small town girl making it … Read More

‘Oklahoma’ Hits the Stage with Smashing Success

On November 18, 19 and 20 the club CAST, which stands for Creating Awesome Sherwood Theatre, launched “Oklahoma” as its annual fall musical. Written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, the musical is set in 1906 and centers around the love between a young cowboy named Curly, played by sophomore Connor Martin, and a farm girl named Laurey, played by senior Simone Brown.

Changing the Face of Fashion, One Show, Step and Canine At a Time

by Olivia Snyder ’12 Over the years, the fashion industry has gotten itself a bad rep, particularly in the wake of controversies over models’ and workers’ well-being. Even in a profession with a reputation of narcissism, a few companies in the D.C. area are doing their best to change this perception; among these are organizations like Fashion Fights Poverty, the … Read More

Holiday Media Equals Humbug

by Brad Matthews ‘11   As November comes to a close, the holiday season, dormant from New Years to Thanksgiving, once again starts up, bringing holiday cheer and pomp. One yearly icon of the holiday season is the conversion of some radio stations to holiday music stations; 97.1 WASH FM started playing its holiday playlist on November 19, and Baltimore’s … Read More

Cultural Obessions: The Last Ten Years in Pop Culture Phenomenons

2000 by Paul Szewcyk ‘12  iPod~ On October 23, 2001, the music industry changed forever with the release of the iPod. By the time students hit middle school, the only thing on their birthday list was a shiny new iPod. Kids no longer had to shuffle through their CD cases just to find that one CD with the one song … Read More

Harry Potter Phenomenon Blossoms into Perpetual Obsession

As children transition into their teenage years, their tastes change significantly, evolving in correspondence with their increasing maturity. Girls who once retained tomboyish tendencies begin to idolize feminine pop stars, while boys who previously played with action figures start to dismiss them in favor of video games. They eagerly shed their childhood preferences, fixated on growing up as quickly as possible.

I Could Really Use Another Artist’s Fame Right Now (Fame Right Now, Fame Right Now)

Real, insightful, huh? And yet, for some reason (completely unbeknownst to me), these two simple, rather unremarkable lines were pretty much impossible to escape this summer. They plagued radio stations, invaded music video countdowns and consumed Facebook statuses the world over. In fact, very few teens can honestly declare that they did not hear Hayley Williams’ raspy voice bleating these words in their heads at some point in the past few months.

Rock Artists Get ‘Incredibly’ Involved

Senior Brittany Byroad is the epitome of a devoted music fan. She dons band tees on a nearly daily basis, attends concerts whenever she gets the chance and rarely ventures anywhere without her iPod. Even Byroad’s Facebook statuses, which often include an array of song lyrics, serve as a testament to her passion for music. In short, if anyone knows the realm of music, it’s Byroad.