Obesity Weighs down the Country and Needs Active Solutions

by Becca Stussman ’12 Obesity is not healthy. According to WebMD, someone who is 40 percent overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely than a person of average weight, and obesity is the second most prevalent carcinogen, lesser only to smoking. Obese people can be accomplished and skilled, productive and sexy, popular and loved. They can be doctors, lawyers, … Read More

Olney Is Still Safe

by Melissa Fajardo ‘13 Within the past year, our quiet town made the news for incidents of crime. A phrase I heard a lot from fellow students during our not-a-drill “Shelter” situation on September 16 was, “Olney isn’t safe anymore.” What surprises me most is that students actually believe that Olney is no longer a secure and protected community. Newsflash: … Read More

Filled to the Brim

by Sydney Morrison ‘13 My World History class has 30 students, as does AP Lang. My AP Environmental class has 32 students. Way too many. Due to recent budget cuts, however, many schools including Sherwood have been forced to let go of numerous teachers. Fewer teachers mean fewer classes, which mean more students per classroom. Remember when classes used to … Read More

Glorification of Oppression

by Steffi Carrera ‘14 Columbus Day is celebrated each year on October 12, not only in America but also in many Latin American countries. People from various nations celebrate the day Christopher Columbus arrived to what is now known as North America, but at the time was deemed to be new, unused land. However, this land was far from uninhabited. … Read More

AP Classes Come with a Catch

by Olivia Snyder ‘12 Since when are juniors “free” the moment May hits? How is it that classes are considered “pointless” and therefore deemed “skippable” in those last weeks of school? And why is it that juniors develop “senioritis” when there’s still a good month of junior year left to complete?  My guess is AP classes. The curriculum for most … Read More

Give Us News We Can Use

by Jacob Bogage ‘12 “There was a time,” the movie “Anchorman” begins, “when the local anchorman reigned supreme.” The same adage rings true at Sherwood. Every morning from 9:04 to 9:09 the morning announcements are piped via public address system and Sherwood TV channel 37 to each and every classroom. Announcements are inescapable and sometimes irritating. They spread news that … Read More

High School Elections: A Petty Democracy

by Robel Wondimu ‘13 In the final week of May a spurious event takes place in Sherwood, SGA elections, our school’s emulation of democracy. I ran for Junior Class President and what I found out is disheartening. In Sherwood the problem with elections lies in the underlying procedural structure. Candidates running for office are limited to four posters and are … Read More

Can’t Trump Competition With Fame

by Allie Sivak ’11 It was enough of a shock when Arnold Schwarzenegger put down his machine guns, slapped on a suit and became the Republican “Govenator” of California in October of 2003. However, more and more frequently, some of the nation’s top political positions are being filled, or at least pursued, by shoes that have walked the red carpet. … Read More

Strive for Self Interest, Not College

by Leah Schroeder ‘13 For years, students in Montgomery County have been force-fed, and have willingly swallowed, the idea that to get into college, their best bet is to load up on AP classes, honor societies and clubs. In a recent column from The Washington Post, noted columnist George Will quoted from Andrew Ferguson’s new book, “Crazy U: One Dad’s … Read More

We Could Learn a Thing from the Japanese

by Rebecca Stussman ’12 The response of the Japanese public to the earthquake and tsunami that devastated its northeast coast on March 11 has been nothing short of admirable. Amidst over 20,000 deaths and miles of flattened property, amidst an almost complete destruction of Japanese daily life, citizens remain boldfaced, optimistic and, most remarkably, organized. There is no widespread looting, … Read More