iFeel Guilty

by Katie Mercogliano ‘14 It’s hard to deny that Apple has taken over the world over the past decade. Everywhere I go I see people browsing the hundreds of thousands of apps on their highly recognizable shiny, rectangular screens. But at what price are we willing to pay for the high-tech device? Last week, The New York Times published an … Read More

Ready for Same-Sex Marriage

by Isabel Paterson ‘12 Last year, a same-sex marriage bill narrowly passed the Maryland State Senate but fell short in the House of Delegates. On January 31, Governor Martin O’Malley again raised the topic of legalizing same-sex marriage in Maryland. “The very reason for our state’s founding was for religious freedom. At the heart of religious freedom is respect for … Read More


by Steffani Carrera ’14 Today, the average high school student has a Facebook profile, a Twitter account, or both. According to Pew Internet research, approximately 8.6 million Facebook users are teenagers ranging from 13 to 17 years old, and over half of them reported spending over 20 minute sessions when logged on. Since most teenagers check their account daily, that’s … Read More

Speed Cameras Trap Drivers

by Vicky Florian ‘14 Four cameras caught 97,000 drivers last year that were going at least 12 mph over the speed limit. For many, this number confirms the fact that the speed limits of Montgomery County streets are too low. Traffic engineers have found that drivers travel at the speed they feel most comfortable and safe, regardless of the actual … Read More

Republican Musical Chairs

by Alex Porter ‘13 For a while, Mitt Romney was the obvious Republican nominee for president. He still is. But every few days, it seems that the front-runner changes. Not too long ago it was Bachmann, then Perry, then Cain. As we realized that each was a genuine lunatic, a new survey showed another doing better in the polls, who … Read More

Stop the Policy! Drop the Act!

by Andi Hopkins ‘14 The newest policy that Congress is trying to pass, called the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), is among the most preposterous things the government has ever suggested. The point of the act is to halt copyright infringement through federal legislation. However, if the act were passed, the government would be able to shut down entire websites. … Read More

We Aren’t ‘Illiterate’

by Jamie Langbein ’13 If you’re reading this right now, I’m already winning my argument. The other day, a teacher accused her AP class of being “illiterate”. She was trying to reference a book, but no one knew what she was talking about. She chastised us, saying we needed to spend less time with technology and more time reading. I … Read More

Parents Against Vegetables Used in Meal Program

by Katie Nolan ’12 Recently, Congress has agreed to allow federal school meal programs to continue serving potatoes and tomato sauce as vegetables. This resulted in many questions and complaints. Specifically, many question the government’s role in dictating what kids eat, as well as whether they are qualified to set a nutrition policy. Concerned parents and figures of authority have … Read More

Cutting Trees to Cut Costs

by Allie Strosnider ’12 Washington Gas is currently in the process of cutting down trees in the front yards of people on Vandever Street in Brookeville. They are not only cutting down trees in the area directly over the gas pipes but trees far into the yard, in one case right in front of the fence separating backyard from front. … Read More

Fire Alarms Are No Longer Alarming

by Mary Macrae ’14 It seems that most students and teachers think that every fire alarm is just a drill.  But what if there was an actual fire?  Would students continue to casually exit the school believing that they are free from danger or would they panic and run as fast as they could to the nearest exits in fear? … Read More