Even Kindergarteners Can Do It

by Stacey Wells ’15 When students first start kindergarten, the first thing they learn how to do is compromise. For example, if you wanted to paint but your friend wanted to play with action figures, you would compromise and end up doing some of both. It is expected that one carries this skill all the way through adulthood. However, the … Read More

Private Schools Not Worth the Cost

by Ryan Deal ’16 For many, there is a certain glamour about attending private schools, part of which is the notion that private schooling will increase one’s chances for success. Although there is a common perception that private schools offer a better education than public schools, a new study disproves that. The study, conducted by the Center for Education Policy … Read More

Abortion Is The New ‘A Word’

by Mandy Stussman ’14 Forty-seven percent of teens in the United States have sex before leaving high school, according to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance of 2011. Likewise, about seven percent of teens on average become pregnant. Teens are having sex. They get pregnant. We can look the other way, pretend it’s not true all we want. But the data … Read More

In-state Privileges

by Sarah Mosisa ’13 As Sherwood students begin exploring potential universities and colleges, perhaps the biggest deal breaker that filters their list of choices is money. Scholarship money is the most widely sought-after alternative for which students. However, the more reliable source of tuition cuts is also the most accessible—in-state discounts. Everyone knows about it, so awareness isn’t the issue. … Read More

Just Call It What It Is

by Bridget Cook ’14 What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a lit up, ornately decorated evergreen tree? Whether they are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or even Atheist, most people identify a Christmas tree as just that. A Christmas tree. Lately, the term ‘holiday tree’ has been used in more frequent instances with the goal of honoring religious diversity. … Read More

More to October Than Pink

by Bridget Cook Most students are familiar with the highly publicized Breast Cancer Awareness Month, donning pink clothing and accessories and selling items to raise money for the cause. It is gratifying to see high-schoolers so passionately involved in such a widespread effort to combat the terrible disease. However, another pervasive problem meant to be supported this month has been … Read More

New Age of Spaceflight

by Shaan Verma ’13 The recent launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to the International Space Station marks a new era of spaceflight. NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has retired the space shuttle program for the foreseeable future due to lack of funds, which leaves a void that is now being filled by companies from the private … Read More

The Unlucky 2013

by Alyssa Miller ’13 It all started with the “academies,” in which the Class of 2013 was required to sign up for courses based on a particular academic concentration. When the school realized the academies were unpopular and inconvenient, they were quickly made optional. Although that idea failed, the introduction of the academies began a pattern in which the same … Read More

An Inflation of Stress

by Ellen Kirkness ‘12 Most seniors who aspire to attend college have long since submitted five or six or fifteen applications to schools all over the nation. For most of these students, College Board is visited more often than Facebook and College Prowler has way more hits than Twitter. Checking how we stack up with scores from the schools we … Read More

iFeel Guilty

by Katie Mercogliano ‘14 It’s hard to deny that Apple has taken over the world over the past decade. Everywhere I go I see people browsing the hundreds of thousands of apps on their highly recognizable shiny, rectangular screens. But at what price are we willing to pay for the high-tech device? Last week, The New York Times published an … Read More