Proposed MD Bill Introduces Mandatory Holocaust Education

by Ziv Golan ‘26 This past March a bill introduced in the Maryland General Assembly would require county school boards to include Holocaust Education in the curriculum, withholding funding from counties that refuse. The bill was drafted as a direct response to the recent rise in antisemitism in Montgomery County and around the country that has been worsened by the … Read More

Teachers Still See Effects of Pandemic on Students

by Evelyn San Miguel ‘26 It’s been four years since the nationwide shutdown of schools from the Covid-19 Pandemic, and many have been left wondering whether or not the world has recovered. Although masks and social distancing have fallen out of fashion and the virus is no longer considered a public health emergency, the long-lasting effects of the global shutdown … Read More

Student Performance Struggled Post-Pandemic

by Elsie Rozario ‘24 The Covid-19 pandemic had a large impact on student performance. According to the Education Recovery Score Card, students nationwide lost around half a year of learning in math and around a third of the year in reading. Standardized testing data indicates a sharp decrease in reading scores, especially for younger students who received online instruction during … Read More

News Brief: March 2024 Current Events

SMOB Election Nears by Ziv Golan ‘26 As this year’s SMOB (Student Member of the Board) election approaches on April 17, the final two candidates, Samantha Ross and Praneel Suvarna, will be campaigning at middle and high schools throughout the county. Ross, who is a junior at Montgomery Blair High School, has been advocating for a focus on building strong … Read More

Teachers Lose Use of Helpful Software

by Ziv Golan ‘26 In recent years MCPS has seemingly taken a step away from utilizing instructional software to monitor students’ assignments and class work. In the 2022-23 school year MCPS stopped using popular anti-plagiarism software The stated reason for cutting ties with the software company was a dispute with the company over student-staff privacy concerns. This trend of … Read More

MCPS Superintendent Search Begins after McKnight Resigns

by Connor Pugh ‘24 On February 2, Dr. Monifa McKnight stepped down from her position as superintendent of MCPS, her resignation represented a culmination of nearly half a year of controversy and internal chaos as sexual harassment allegations against former Farquhar Middle School Principal Joel Beidleman were made public in August in an exposé by the Washington Post. McKnight initially … Read More

Multiple States Propose Social Media Bans for Adolescents

by Evelyn San Miguel ‘26 Due to rising concerns nationwide, southern states like Florida, Arkansas, and Missouri have proposed bills in their state legislatures that would effectively ban certain social media sites for children under sixteen, attempting to lead the way in a new era of protecting children against Big Tech. Though which sites would be banned remains uncertain, the … Read More

FAFSA Delay Impacts Senior College Decisions

by Katie Ng ‘24 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) allows secondary education students and incoming secondary education students to apply for and receive financial aid when applying to colleges. Students fill out the application by inputting their family’s income data and the Department of Education reviews the information to determine the student’s eligibility for financial aid. The United … Read More

MCPS Pays Millions To Settle Sexual Assault Cases from 2018

by Aspen Weinberg ‘25 In November, a jury awarded a judgment of $4 million in damages in a sexual assault case to a former students at Gaithersburg High School. According to Fox News, court documents detail that the assault occurred in 2018 when the student was a freshman on the wrestling team. The unnamed student filed the lawsuit in 2020. … Read More

Fallout Continues; BOE Wants McKnight Out

by Evelyn San Miguel ‘26 On November 29, Montgomery County Inspector General Megan Davey Limarzi released the results of her first of three investigative reports into former Farquhar Principal Joel Beidleman, which presented a more full accounting of his sexual misconduct during his tenures at multiple schools across the county. The second, released January 8, addressed the issue of MCPS … Read More