On the road to college success…Exploring College Options

by Rebecca Stussman ‘12 The end of the school year marks a time of great freedom and relief. Summer break provides students with a well-deserved opportunity to relax and have fun without the threat of looming deadlines or disheartening grades. Yet amidst this season of refreshment, many students, especially rising seniors, choose to increase their academic experience and enroll in … Read More

On the road to college success…Juniors Begin Search for College

by Holly Cuozzo ‘12 As students of the Class of 2012 begin to search for and apply to colleges, stress begins to bombard them. As underclassmen, college seemed like such an unreal thing, but all of the sudden it is the fast-approaching reality that can no longer be pushed to the side. Some juniors have yet to begin to search … Read More

Chaudhry Kicks Off Staff Zumba Lessons

by Devin Cornelius ‘12 To all students who think of teachers as robots who disconnect once school is over and reboot every morning at 7:20, here is a wakeup call. The teaching staff is far from  a sedentary. In fact, once a week, dedicated staffers from all branches of the school meet in the dance studio after school to Zumba. … Read More

Ames Plays the Tuba Into His Future

by Mandy Stussman ‘14 When junior Ben Ames was just starting at Rosa Parks Middle School, he made a decision that would come to shape his future. His music teacher asked him which instrument he would like to play, and Ames, just beginning on his musical journey, replied that he wanted to play the tuba, “because it was big and … Read More

Menchetti Brings Nepal to Classroom

by Rachel Zemel ‘13 On April 15, the start of spring break, Kathleen Menchetti, AP World History and Global Issues teacher, began her journey to Nepal. Although there was limited time to visit Nepal due to the conflicting school year and monsoon season, Menchetti found a good time to explore a part of the country. Menchetti could only reach her … Read More

Katz To Explore Language in Russia

by Darby Whitehair ‘12 In just a few short weeks, junior Talia Katz will venture to Russia and return two months later as an American with knowledge of both a foreign culture and its language. Financed by the U.S. Department of State’s National Security Languages Initiative for Youth program, Katz and 12 other Americans will spend their summer in Russia, … Read More

New Club Soars into Sherwood

by Hannah Chertock ‘12 The Blue Birds Club, founded by sophomore Hailey Hershey and sponsored by AP Environmental Science teacher Laura Dinerman, started this year with a mission to track birds living in boxes placed around the fields of Sherwood. The club hopes to increase the population of birds which has recently hit an unfortunate decline. “The Blue Bird houses … Read More

That Hefty Prom Price Tag

by Olivia Snyder ’12 Since the 1920s, prom has been a ritual in high school students’ lives. Only recently, however, has it become more than a modest event held in school gymnasiums decorated with crepe paper streamers and papier-mâché lanterns. The prom of today has developed into an expensive affair consisting of limo rides and over two hundred dollar dresses. … Read More

Yoga Offers New Kind of Exercise

by Olivia Snyder ’12 Yoga is an untapped and often overlooked source of exercise; one that is especially unknown to students. When Olney teenagers think exercise, their minds immediately go to Fitness First. However, Olney has another local source of exercise, which is yoga at the Yin Yang Yoga Center. Yoga is a system of exercises aimed at controlling and … Read More

Caffeine Consumption Proves Dangerous without Moderation

    by Arjun Singh ’12 Throughout the day, exhausted teens look for an extra boost of energy in order to finish an assignment, stay alert or just wake up. A common solution: caffeine. Eighty-five percent of Americans consume caffeine habitually. The mass popularity of caffeine comes from its effects as a stimulant that raises alertness and decreases fatigue in … Read More