A Plethora of Languages Encourages Bilinguality

by Chris Jou ‘12 Throughout America, people come from many cultures and have different customs and languages. The majority of people living in America speak English, which raises the question whether English should be the official language of the United States.   As students move forward in life, a tremendous blend of languages serenades them and reflects the impressive diversity … Read More

The Truly American Language

by Arjun Singh ‘12 Throughout America, people come from many cultures and have different customs and languages. The majority of people living in America speak English, which raises the question whether English should be the official language of the United States.   There are 337 different spoken languages in the United States. Even with so many individual languages, however, approximately … Read More

Obesity Weighs Down the Country

by Rebecca Stussman ‘12 Obesity is not healthy. According to WebMD, someone who is 40 percent overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely than a person of average weight. Obesity is the second most prevalent cause of cancer, lesser only to smoking. Obese people can be accomplished and skilled, productive and sexy, popular and loved. They can be doctors, … Read More