Waivers Proposed for Testing Requirements

by Nathan St. Pierre ’12 The Obama administration is proposing a bill that allows states to apply for a waiver from the strict standards of the No Child Left Behind Act. Numerous states are applying for these waivers, and Maryland is strongly considering it. This step addresses a common critique of the 2001 act, which is that teachers are forced … Read More

School Fails AYP, Institutes Reform

Sherwood did not meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the 2009-2010 school year. AYP is a measure of academic performance established by the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Three subgroups within the school, Hispanic, Limited English Proficient (LEP), and Free and Reduced Meal Students (FARMS) all failed to meet the minimum participation requirement in reading, and the LEP subgroup fell short of satisfactory reading proficiency. Additionally, the FARMS, Special Education and African American subgroups met reading proficiency by margins of three or less students.