Students Frustrated By Forced Lunchtime Moves

For students, lunch is a time to relax, finish homework assignments and enjoy quality time with their friends. For administrators and security, it is a frenzied period of trying to maintain order and a clean environment. Finding a medium between these two aspirations is difficult. With large groups of students gathering throughout random hallways, the attempt to keep control is a challenge, and administrators such as Assistant Principal James Heintze on occasion have moved students from their initial eating spots.

Teaching Quality

This year, the Obama administration launched “Race to the Top,” a program designed to spark education reform and effective teaching practices by awarding states who make significant improvements in their education systems with a federal grant. Around the nation, teaching quality and student preparation have become a major concern as schools face increasing scrutiny.

The Warrior Receives Honors

The Warrior was recognized as a Gold Medalist, the highest honor, by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) for the 2009-2010 school year. This is the second year in a row that The Warrior has received that distinction.

Student Recovers After Accident

Former Sherwood student, 19-year-old David Oughton, and current 16-year-old junior Khadijah Hopkins were involved in a car accident on October 29.

New Academy System Developed

by Brad Matthews ’11 A year after the academies were implemented, the school is overhauling its offerings. According to the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) meeting held on November 18, there is “no support for wall to wall academies.” Therefore, the academies will become optional, and students will not be required to register for an academy. Assistant Principal Renee Brimfield said … Read More

Breaking into Mental Sweat

Competition is defined as a comparison of skill in which a team challenges another to reveal the superior victor. It’s Academic provides the ideal venue for true competition, even if many don’t recognize that its challenges against other schools can be just as intense and thrilling as any athletic sporting contest. It’s Academic over the years has attracted some of the school’s brightest pupils due to its energetic environment and ability to challenge the intellect of such outstanding students.

‘Waiting for Superman’ Depicts an Educational Landscape in Turmoil

The United States is the richest country in the world, and yet, compared to the 26 developed countries in the world, ranks last in mathematics and fourth to last in reading. David Guggenheim’s documentary, “Waiting for Superman,” shines a light on why many of America’s public school systems produce such disappointing results.

Teaching Quality

This year, the Obama administration launched “Race to the Top,” a program designed to spark education reform and effective teaching practices by awarding states who make significant improvements in their education systems with a federal grant. Around the nation, teaching quality and student preparation have become a major concern as schools face increasing scrutiny.

MCPS Attempts to Slim Down Students

First Lady Michelle Obama has taken serious charge in attempting to slim down America’s youth. However, she is not alone in her efforts to do so—school systems around the nation are also fighting to lessen childhood obesity.