Waivers Proposed for Testing Requirements

by Nathan St. Pierre ’12 The Obama administration is proposing a bill that allows states to apply for a waiver from the strict standards of the No Child Left Behind Act. Numerous states are applying for these waivers, and Maryland is strongly considering it. This step addresses a common critique of the 2001 act, which is that teachers are forced … Read More

Study Finds Half of Middle and High School Students Have Been Sexually Harassed

 by Vicky Florian ’14 During the 2010-11 school year, 48 percent of students in grades 7 through 12 experienced a form of sexual harassment, according to a national survey released by the American Association of University Women. Sexual harassment can be defined as the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks, but it applies to a wide variety of … Read More

SGA Food Drive Succeeds

by Hannah Chertock ’12 Seniors Nicole Jakobowski and Jess Beattie collect cans outside Emelia Gonzales’ room. Gonzales’ first period class won the SGA sponsored canned food drive, raising 400 cans alone. Over 3,000 total cans were donated to the Olney Help organization. Olney Help provides food and financial assistance to local families in Olney, Brookeville, Brinklow, Sandy Spring and Ashton. … Read More

Despite Improvement, AYP Not Achieved

by Leah Schroeder ’13 and Darby Whitehair ’12 For the second year in a row, Sherwood did not meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements in reading proficiency for the Limited English Proficient (LEP) subgroup.  As a result, Sherwood is under the Developing Stage, a label designated by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). This requires Sherwood to develop a … Read More

New Superintendent Stresses Issues of Variability

by Will Gavett ’12 On October 18, the new superintendent of MCPS, Joshua Starr, held a press conference at the MCPS Board of Education with the student press concerning his new role and how he plans to improve the county’s academic performance. Starr particularly addressed the problem of too much variability amongst schools and how he plans to alleviate this … Read More

Flashmob Ensues After 5th Period

by Jacob Bogage ’12 and Andrew Wasik ’13 After 5th period Tuesday rowdy sophomores, juniors and seniors took to the hallways as security staff could do nothing to control the crowd of 300-some students until they dispersed four minutes later. A small group of 15 students gathered in the F-hall bathroom at the beginning of the week after 5th period and soon … Read More

Former Student Indicted for Rape and Robbery

by Devin Cornelius ’12 On September 26, 15-year-old Alvick Omenga was charged as an adult for one count of first degree rape and one count of attempted robbery.  Although Omenga attended Sherwood last year, he enrolled again this year as a freshman but was not an active student. In October, Omenga was indicted by a Montgomery County grand jury for … Read More

Bonita Wins 10,000 Dollar Nordstrom Scholarship

Senior Blake Bonita won a $10,000 scholarship to college from the Nordstrom community last week. He was one of 8 students selected from a pool of 1,500 other applicants last school year. Applications are due in May of a student’s junior year.  The application includes an essay about a role model and an interview. “I wrote about my grandfather who … Read More

Beat Reports 10/1/11-10/7/11

The Warrior’s Inside Scoop on Sherwood Sports In this report: Golf, Girl’s Field Hockey, Girl’s Tennis, Girl’s Volleyball   Golf by Joey Lavoie ’14 Sherwood Warriors golf is currently 12-6 and is averaging 234 strokes per match. In Sherwood’s last match they shot a 232.8. Senior Tommy Nakamura is leading the charge with a 43.3 stroke average. “We had a … Read More

Security Cracks Down on Tailgating Ban

by Jacob Bogage ‘12 First there was Watergate; in 2007 the New England Patriots unleashed “Spygate” on the NFL; in 2008 then Alaskan Governor Sarah Pallin was involved with “Troopergate”; now at Sherwood the latest scandal is “Tailgate.” After a male senior was escorted from the September 16 football game against Gaithersburg for open drunkenness, Sherwood’s security staff has promised … Read More