Finishing High School Strong

by Nick Schade ’23 I had a mile left. Or was it more? I couldn’t tell, because every step I ran felt like a million, and every breath I took stabbed at my side. As my strength left my body in raspy gasps I began to doubt whether I could even complete the race. Yet I knew I couldn’t stop: … Read More

Strength in Making a Stand

by Solaiman K. Hassanin ’23 The day is a convenient experience for any comparison we want to make. It starts, moves through its stages dragging us and our farcical pride with it, and then it ends at midnight just as it promised it would. And high school, for all its glamor, pain, and congruent silliness, is still just a day. … Read More

My Life As an Introvert

by Anna Haas ’23 People exhaust me. Seriously, being around people for long periods of time often makes me unable to keep my eyes open the next day, especially if I haven’t had time to unwind. As a child, I was told that I was just shy and would grow out of it, but I always thought it was something … Read More

Everyone Should Try a Year of The Warrior

by Evan Joseph ’23 The thing I am most proud of regarding my time at Sherwood has to be joining the newspaper. In the beginning, I was just a little freshman intimidated by the upperclassmen around me in the class, but now I could not be any happier that I stuck with it. Although I might have been unnerved by … Read More

France Taught Me To Adapt

by Tatiana Rodriguez ’23 Recently I went to France with students from my French class. We went to the city of Marseille for 10 days and for that brief time, life felt surreal. With perfect weather, amazing views, and amazing French people, it felt like a dream come true. Despite how perfect it seemed, it was still a lot to … Read More

Find a Way To Fit into Your Shoes

by Carter Braun ’23 Entering high school in 2019, I stood 5’2” tall. My peers towered over me and made life in high school intimidating. Although I wasn’t scared of the upperclassmen, I was so little in comparison to them, that it was a continual reminder that I was not the king of the school like I was the year … Read More

I Have Been Everywhere

by Peyton Seppala ’23 Coming from a military family, I am lucky to have been able to travel around the world and experience many different opportunities. I’ve lived in eight different states, two countries and have attended 10 different schools. From the rural locale of Weston Missouri, to the bustling suburbs of the DMV; from tropical Hawaiian summers to icy … Read More

Accepting the Changes

by Aidan Therrien ’23 It is not unlikely that your circle of friends will look very different by the end of high school. Mine certainly does; my current group contains zero friends from middle school. Groups may grow apart without necessarily having a blowout fight, and this is normal. What is important is to expect this change. Learning to accept … Read More

The Butterfly Effect

by Alexis Booker ’23 Prior to my first day of high school, I visited Sherwood to see my counselor to switch a class. When approaching the door, however, I grew worried by the fact that there were four dead butterflies scattered across the main entry. Though it was laughable in the moment, I found myself googling the symbolism that night … Read More

The Truth about Being a Twin

by Alex Braun ’23 On November 7, 2004 at 10:16AM I was born. For 9 minutes I experienced what it was like to be a singleton; then at 10:25AM my brother was born and I have been living my life as a twin ever since. For the first 5 years of our lives, we wore the same shirt, just different … Read More