Honey Stone Goes To Recording Studio and Beyond

Neo-Folk band Honey Stone, which comprises of seniors Noah Booz (vocals/guitar), Stephen Daniels (bass) and Eric Armstrong (vocal/drums), won 15 hours of recording time at Cue Recording studios after the band came in first place in The Next Big Things Tour on December 12 at the 9:30 Club, the renowned music venue in Washington D.C.

‘The Cape’ Fails to Take Flight

On paper, the characters are intriguing, the plot fascinating and the dark, puzzle-like vibe captivating. Yet, in actuality, the show, “The Cape” disappoints, falls flat and leaves the viewer with endless questions.

‘The Roommate’ Drastically Fails Its Final Examination

As a senior in my final semester, I can honestly say that I’m more than thrilled to start my new life in college. Beside that fact that I can get out of Olney, I can meet interesting types of people and learn how to live on my own. However, with the excitement also comes anxiety of wondering what the people I meet will be like. Will they be friendly or stuck-up? Cool or nerdy? Crazy in a good way or psychotic?

The Kids Spiral to Disappointment

by Sam Farrell ‘12 California-based Cold War Kids have built their legacy by regularly producing desolate and descriptive lyrics that describe tragedies such as suicide by bridge jumping and alcoholic fathers. The band’s dismal topics of choice coupled with lead singer and rhythm guitarist Nathan Willet’s distinctive vocals have paved the way for the Kids’ fame in the universe of … Read More

With New Haircut and Movie, Biebs is Rolling but for How Long?

Justin Bieber’s first album entitled “My World 2.0” debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, selling 283,000 copies in its first week, and he became the youngest male act to top the chart since Stevie Wonder in 1963. He is worth an estimated $65.5 million. The Facebook group “I love Justin Bieber” has gotten more than 14 million “likes” and his official Facebook fan page has almost 21 million “likes.” The music video for Bieber’s hit “Baby” is currently ranked as the most viewed and most discussed YouTube video, with comments coming in every ten seconds.

Stop the Act and Get in the Studio

Don’t get me wrong, I love Michael Cera, but after a while he gets a little old. Seeing him in the same movie over and over again just gets repetitive, but now seeing him as the bassist in Mister Heavenly has inspired new hope that Michael Cera may break his type cast and try something new.

‘The Next Three Days’ Well Worth the Next Two Hours

by Max Simpson ’11 In “The Next Three Days” John Brennan (Russell Crowe), a teacher at a community college, faces the likelihood that his wife, Lara (Elizabeth Banks), will be in prison for the rest of her life because of a murder conviction. At the start of the film John is going though the appeals process, and has exhausted all … Read More

Urban BBQ Provides Customers with an All Sensory Experience

by Ellen Kirkness ‘12 For as long as I can remember, the businesses in the building on Route 108 across from the French Confection in downtown Sandy Spring have come and gone with the seasons. Can anyone recall the name of the specialty grocery market or the piano bar? Due to the lack of a paved parking lot and the … Read More