Former Student Publishes Second Poetry Book
by Danielle Katz ’18 As seniors agonize about what college to attend, what to major in, and what to do for a living, very few, if any, plan on pursuing poetry. Sherwood alumna Marlena Chertock released her second published poetry collection, “crumb-sized,” after graduating from University of Maryland in 2013 with a journalism major, creative writing minor, and Jiménez-Porter Writers’ … Read More
Professional Theatre Now More Accessible to Teens
by Natalie Murray ’18 When examining the demographics of past Broadway audiences, it’s fairly obvious that most theatregoers are middle aged and older – teens and young adults in attendance are very few, mainly due to the lack of musicals that catered to a younger audience. However, more and more musicals, like “Dear Evan Hansen,” “Heathers,” and “Be More Chill” … Read More
‘It’ Is Hilarious Yet Haunting
by Owen Steffan ’18 From children joking one minute to a horrifying killer clown scaring audiences the next, “It” succeeds with its seamless blend of humor and terror. Based on the critically acclaimed 1986 Stephen King novel of the same title, this highly anticipated R-rated horror film takes place in the 1980s in the fictional town of Derry, Maine. After … Read More
‘Stronger’ Tells a Story About a Real-Life Hero
by Isabella Pilot ’18 “Stronger,” the real-life drama based on Boston Marathon bombing survivor Jeff Bauman, opens with a scene of Bauman (Jake Gyllenhaal) taking out the trash at Costco, where he works as a deli clerk. He returns to the deli, mistakenly burns himself on the rotisserie chicken oven, and then convinces his boss to let him off early … Read More
It: A Hilarious Yet Haunting Experience
By Owen Steffan ’18 From children cracking jokes one minute to scaring audiences with a killer clown the next, “It” finds success with its seamless blend of humor and terror. Based on the critically acclaimed 1986 Stephen King novel of the same title, this highly anticipated R-rated horror film takes place in the 1980s in the fictional town of Derry, … Read More
Guardians Vol. 2 Is an Empowering CGI Masterpiece
by Lucy Kuchma ‘18 From the kick-butt soundtrack to its incredible CGI, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”(GOTG2) measures up, technically speaking, to its predecessor. Although the gang consists of superheroes, the film touches on many emotional complexities such as romantic longing and the importance of family. The story follows the same group of galactic warriors including Peter Quill (Chris … Read More
Logic Album Draws Attention to Issues of Racial Tension and Bias
by Alex Nnabue ‘18 Logic, rapper and Montgomery County native, released his third studio album “Everybody” on May 5. The album is centered around strong political and social messages as Logic raps about his upbringing in Gaithersburg, systematic inequality, racism, and mental health. Following the format of Logic’s previous projects, “Everybody” includes a storyline with skits embedded in select songs. … Read More
‘13 Reasons’ Sparks Discussion about Exposing Young Adults to Teen Suicide
by Emma Shuster ‘18 The hit Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” about teen rape, assault, bullying, and suicide has prompted many schools, including Sherwood, to issue warnings to parents. On March 31, Netflix released “13 Reasons Why,” based on an original story by Jay Asher. The series centers around the suicide of Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) and focuses on Clay … Read More
Teen Novel Makes Subpar Film
by Natalie Murray ‘18 “Everything, Everything,” by Nicola Yoon, is a teen romance/drama novel telling the story of Madeline “Maddy” Whittier (played in the film by Amandla Stenberg), an 18-year-old girl who suffers from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID). Because of this, she’s on permanent house arrest: any exposure to the outside world could overload her fragile immune system, potentially killing … Read More