Sherwood Terminates Test Policy

by Rachel Themistokleous ‘26

The previous testing policy implemented at Sherwood put a restriction on when certain subjects could provide tests for students. However, there was a lot of disorganization surrounding the policy. Certain days conflicted with teacher schedules, many teachers didn’t even try to follow the policy, and there was the major question of “what was considered a test?” Due to all this havoc surrounding the policy, the idea was scrapped. In my opinion, the testing policy should come back with specific guidelines and full enforcement on teachers.

The main reason this policy should be enforced is because assessments and quizzes that are given cause lots of stress and anxiety for students. The National Institutes of Health conducted an experiment on stress levels before an exam, and the results showed that 75.5% of the 200 students studied were shown to be stressed out before the test. Without the enforcement of the policy, stress levels will skyrocket as multiple tests are assigned in one day. Also, many students have sports, a job, or other activities after school and can only study at night. There is just not enough time in the day to study for multiple different tests at night while also trying to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. The policy being enforced is crucial for the well-being of students, and should be reinstated.