Dispatch: This Really Sucks But There Are Positives
by Sophia Wooden ‘20
We are almost four months into 2020 and it’s a disaster. A pandemic has occurred and has completely taken over my life. Actually, it’s taken over all of our lives. It’s called COVID-19 or better known as Coronavirus. At first, it just encompassed China and Italy, but now the U.S. has the most cases in the world. We’re the best at everything. How ironic. There are so many emotions to feel. Sad, of course, because I’ve lost so much. My parents were unable to see me perform in my senior year of RRR, the rest of my college trips have been canceled, there is a huge possibility that prom or graduation can’t happen, my birthday will be spent indoors, and so forth. The irony continues because the flights are so cheap right now, and I just want to get away but can’t. But I am also so grateful to be in the position that I am. I am grateful that I and my family members are safe, grateful that I am filled with faith and know this too shall pass.
School has been canceled for a month and a half and likely won’t open again this school year. aIt pains me that during my senior year, my last chance to connect with these soon to be strangers has been taken away from me. I was supposed to start a new swim instructing job and make money for college. Now I can’t even leave my house. In English Lit, we are reading (or supposed to be reading) “The Handmaid’s Tale.” I don’t know if this is weird, but I can relate to the feelings of Offred. She feels like nothing is in her hands. We both have no control over what is happening around us. Governor Hogan has issued a state lockdown. I can only hope that this will end soon.
We must look at the positives because, despite this novel virus causing a national frenzy and the start of an economic depression, there are some. I see more and more parents and their kids walking outside, riding their bicycles, and just enjoying each other’s company in nature. People can also use this time to work on themselves and do that thing that they have been putting off for so long. Families get to spend more time with one another. I know I get to see my dad a lot more now that he is working from home. Sometimes I even think that this is what we needed. A hiatus from everyday life so we could recollect and recharge. So while our world is being flipped upside down with this pandemic, I urge myself and you all to stay hopeful and keep positive that it will get better … maybe even sooner than we think