Clubs Need More Recognition
by Jackson Hongtong ’21
As a junior, I would say I am knowledgeable about most of what goes on at Sherwood. One thing Sherwood values is our welcoming clubs and activities to bring students and the community together. I’m confident that I could have named 10-15 clubs that Sherwood has to offer, but then I learned that as of November there are 67 total clubs. It is a concerning matter that so many clubs are unknown and not brought to the attention of students.
Sherwood needs to implement a type of event, whether it runs for a period or multiple periods, that gives publicity to every club and an opportunity for everyone to join those clubs. Clubs can improve and enhance anyone’s high school experience by giving them a chance to meet new people with similar interests as them. They give students the opportunity to be themselves and express themselves in ways they can’t during classes at school or at home. Clubs can also help students when applying to college. If these clubs get more publicity, participation, and membership of these clubs would rise and more would reap those benefits offered.
To see all of the clubs, there is a full list of all the clubs and activities Sherwood has located under the parent section on the Sherwood website. Why are the clubs listed in the parent section? Shouldn’t they be in the section for students who actually participate in the clubs? Besides online promotions, one of the main ways people learn about clubs is at the pep rally in which members of the club walk down the track with a short 15-second summary of the club. Showing a few of the clubs at pep rallies does not cut it in terms of addressing all of the clubs Sherwood has to offer.
There is a club for everyone here at Sherwood. Even if you think there is not a club that meets your interests, students have the opportunity to create any club they would like with a nod from a sponsor that agrees. If there is real time devoted to giving students the chance to look at each club, there would be more involvement and less people scared of joining because they know the basis of the clubs.