Unnecessary College Deadlines Changed
by Kat Mahoney ’20
Seniors spend the start of the school year allotting certain times to do their college applications. Some seniors even spend their whole summer making sure they have planned out how and when they will take every measure to better ensure their admittance to their top choices for colleges.
Last week seniors had a meeting with their counselors in which many seniors’ planning was thrown out the window. Without warning or account for the effort seniors have put in to their applications, counselors have changed the dates they want the applications done. They have sprung this unexpected change on seniors, leaving some of them with only two weeks for them to complete their applications that were given by colleges with a due date of October 15. Seniors with an October 15 deadline from a college are expected to now balance their school work and cut their remaining time to complete their applications by three weeks and have them done by September 24. Even though this expectation has been imposed by counselors and may not be required, it is still causing unnecessary stress in seniors. The counselors should not expect seniors to be able to finish their applications without warning, nor should seniors have to stress ever more about earlier counselor-imposed deadlines.