Grades May Not Be Providing an Accurate Reflection
by Anika Mittu ’19
The grade of “A” in a given class is supposed to reflect mastery of content and outstanding work performed by a student. Yet, with A’s comprising 54 percent of the grades that are earned by Sherwood students for first semester, the question that arises is whether student performance or inflation lies behind the number of stellar grades.
In 2016, MCPS debuted a controversial grading policy that eliminated final exams. Instead, the system has relied solely on the two quarterly grades in order to determine a student’s grade in a given class. Based on a point system that assigns 4 points to an A, 3 points to a B, 2 points to a C, 1 point to a D, and no points to an E, the system numerically averages the two quarterly grades. The policy averages quarterly grades of an A and a B into a 3.5, which rounds to form a semester grade of A.
At Sherwood, the new policy has impacted social studies and English more than the other core subjects.. In the social studies courses, roughly 42 percent of the A’s received originated from differing quarterly grades of either an A and a B or a B and an A, while 50 percent of the A’s earned in English courses occurred due to the same reason.
In social studies, 41 percent of A’s received in AP courses originated from differing quarterly grades, and 42 percent in honors courses became A’s due to the same circumstance. Both percentages startle Michelle Games, an AP social studies teacher who argues that the 2016 grading policy contributes to poor learning and studying habits. “[Teachers] spend so much time creating assessments that for the grades to not be reflective of student mastery is not a good system,” said Games.
Meanwhile, English classes revealed that about 14-percent more of the A’s earned in AP classes resulting from an A and B as quarterly grades than in honors classes. Beth Petralia, a teacher of both Honors and AP English classes during first semester, said that in her experience with teaching AP Language, “second quarter is more difficult than first,” said Petralia. This might explain why 42 percent of A’s earned by students in the class occurred due to the student receiving an A for first quarter and a B for second quarter, while only eight percent of the A’s earned occurred as a result of receiving a B for first quarter and an A for second quarter.
While she did expect more B’s for the second quarter, Petralia believes that students stayed and remained motivated throughout the semester. “Not many students were overtly aiming for a B after receiving an A for first quarter,” she said.
However, Petralia explained that some of the members of the English department did, in fact, expect a lack of rigor as a result of the elimination of semester exams.
The AP Lang team decided to add a midterm to the course that would serve as a large grade for second quarter. Yet, in order for a midterm to impact the number of students earning an A in the class after receiving an A for the easier first quarter, the student would have had to receive a C for second quarter. Less than one percent of AP Lang students went from a grade of A to a grade of C as quarterly grades. The vast majority of students who earned an A for first quarter locked in their semester grades before second quarter even began.
Despite attempts to increase course difficulty and combat a lack of challenge anticipated with the new grading system, Petralia still believes that grade inflation heavily contributed to the A’s received in core subject areas without actually reflecting student comprehension of content.
“The new grading system dodges the problem [of students lacking mastery of a course],” said Petralia. “Instead, it should be fixing it.”