Matt Popeck Takes Passion to Another Level

by Tate Harrop ’17

Junior Matt Popeck’s talent and dedication to lacrosse has earned him the opportunity to play for St. Joseph’s University’s NCAA Division 1 lacrosse team. Signing on to play college lacrosse is just the latest opportunity that his sport has given him.

Popeck started playing lacrosse in the 6th grade for Olney Boys and Girls Club team. Three years later, as a freshman, he earned a spot on Sherwood’s varsity team. Being one out of two freshmen on the team, he dedicated more time to enhance his skills. Along with playing for Sherwood, Popeck plays lacrosse year-round with a club team that participates in fall and summer tournaments.

Last summer, he got the unforgettable experience to travel to Israel with the Israel Men’s National Lacrosse team. Not only did he compete against local Israeli teams, he also competed against other international squads. This experience gave him the chance to share the game that he loves. In Israel, he got to play with local kids who had never touched a lacrosse stick.

“It was an incredible experience to see a different part of the world and to teach something that is a huge part of my life to children that didn’t even know what lacrosse was. The kids were all so interested and I feel grateful to have experienced that,” said Popeck.

Ironically, this unique experience of traveling across the globe brought him closer to home than he could have imagined. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which sent Popeck to Israel, also brought along a coach from St. Joseph’s University, located in Philadelphia. While in Israel, Popeck got a chance to learn more about St. Joseph’s.

While visiting the university in January, the coaches made Popeck an offer to join the team in 2018. Since the university already has multiple commitments from defenders, Popeck chose to take a gap year following graduation. Ranked in the top 30 of the NCAA division 1 program, St. Joseph’s lacrosse team has only had four losses out of 16 games this season.

“I love the city of Philly and the positive attitude of the St. Joseph’s lacrosse players. To get the chance to play the sport that I am so passionate about at such a great place makes me very excited,” said Popeck. “I hope to get even better before I go to St. Joseph’s so that I am the best I can be for the team.”

After three years of playing varsity, he is now helping to lead the team as it is continuing its season. In 2015 Popeck was a First Team All-County player for Sherwood. Devotion and positive outlook keep Popeck determined to achieve more. Today his passion for the game is as strong as ever, as is his gratitude for what it has given him, including the chance to play at a lacrosse powerhouse, St. Joseph’s University.