Key Aims For Larger Impact On MCPS
By Ben Cooper ’16
Next year, math teacher James Key will be leaving Sherwood to help write new math curriculums for MCPS that correlate with Common Core standards. He will also serve as a resource for math departments in the county that need guidance. In doing so, Key wants to have a larger influence in how math is taught in MCPS.
“My hope is that I’ll be able to impact math instruction in a broader way than being a teacher at Sherwood. Teachers throughout the county will look at the lessons provided and that may shape what they do,” said Key.
Key is always looking to keep his students engaged in their learning. His high-energy personality only helps to achieve this goal. As any effective teacher would, Key tries to find new techniques to improve his teaching. He utilizes “vertical non-permanent surfaces” such as whiteboards, an idea he borrowed from a professor. Students are less likely to feel pressured knowing that they can erase the whiteboard clean at any time.
“You know that there’s a marker here and an eraser here, so you’re not worried about making a mistake as badly. Just erase it and try again,” said Key. “If I hand you a piece of paper and you fill it out, your likelihood to go back and erase is lower.”
Having been a teacher at Sherwood for 12 years, and a Sherwood graduate, Key knows it will be hard to leave those he has become close with.
“As I walk down the halls and see people, I’m like ‘I’m not going to see that guy’, so that’s a little sad for me,” said Key. “I’m going to miss Sherwood, but I’m looking forward to the new challenges and opportunities.”