Too Many Warning Signs Ignored

By Kira Yates ’16

Texas native Omar Gonzalez, who jumped the White House fence on September 19, should have been monitored more closely after previous run-ins with police. On July 19, Gonzalez was arrested in Virginia with many weapons including four handguns found in his car along with a map with a line pointing to the White House. On August 25, Gonzalez was stopped by a cop as he was walking outside the White House fence with a hatchet. Gonzalez also has a history of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after serving in the army for more than 13 years, and spending time overseas.

These incidents should have sounded an alarm that this man has the potential to be very dangerous. After finding the White House circled on a map and many weapons in his possession, Gonzalez should have been placed into a mental health facility or closely monitored by other means. By letting Gonzalez off the hook repeatedly, law enforcement allowed Gonzalez to not only climb the White House fence, but also sprint 70 yards and enter the White House with a knife and 800 rounds of ammo from his car.