SMOB Election Results Are In
By Ketki Chauhan ’15
On April 30, Dahlia Huh, a junior at Clarksburg High School, was elected as the thirty-seventh Student Member of the Board (SMOB) for the 2014-2015 school year. Against Huh in this year’s election was junior Calvin Yeh from Poolesville. Huh received 69 percent of the vote which was about 39, 375 students. Of the eligible voters, 77.1 percent of students voted. Many schools and students were unable to vote due to inclement weather caused by the rain and thunderstorms. Other schools completed paper ballots due to a crash in the server. A few middle schools conducted early voting (April 24) for sixth grade students who were to leave for Outdoor Ed the day of the election. Huh’s duties as SMOB will be to present the student voice to the Board of Education. Her term begins on July 1.