Construction along 108 Continues To Cause Issues
by Olivia Skofteland ‘14
The construction that has been occurring from Sherwood Elementary school to Urban BBQ is due to the replacement of sewer mains along this area. Students can expect to continue experiencing frustrating delays until early March, when the county is finally expected to complete the project.
The project will include construction of approximately 2,500 linear feet of 8-inch water and sewer mains.
This construction has caused frustrating traffic delays for many students in the afternoon. The already dense traffic that typically occurs when driving students all attempt to leave the parking lot and go home at the same time has been significantly worsened by the construction. Drivers and their passengers often will sit at a standstill as the construction workers take turns letting cars from either direction drive in the lane they are not working on.
To avoid this mess, some students have chosen to take alternate routes to get home in order to miss the section of 108 currently under construction. Several students who used to exit left from the parking lot now go right, thereby avoiding the project completely. It has proven to be faster for these students to take a route home that may be farther mile wise, but is actually a faster way to travel to their final destination.