Implement Cleaning Initiatives
by Katie Ng ’25
At the beginning of each school year, Principal Tim Britton makes an announcement asking students to do their part to keep the school clean by discarding their trash in the garbage cans or recycling bins. However, some students continue to not clean up after themselves. It is not uncommon to see bits of food and wrappers on the hallway floors, especially by the bays of lockers, after lunch. Some students also leave food and wrappers on the bathroom sinks. Additionally, there is litter on the grass in the student parking lot, and litter under the bleachers in the stadium that is difficult to clean up.
Last school year, Leo Club and National Honor Society (NHS) coordinated campus clean ups as credit opportunities. Campus clean ups could make a return. Clubs and honor societies, like NHS, could take turns picking up litter around the school during lunch, and offer SSL opportunities or credit for participation. Alternatively, students could organize a new club dedicated to cleaning up the school grounds. Instead of clubs meeting in classrooms at lunch, some should make the rounds of Sherwood and improve the school’s appearance.