Sherwood Theatre Prepares for Little Mermaid Auditions
by Tori Newby ’22
The Sherwood Theatre department is up and running again after a year of virtual performances. Theatre teacher Elizabeth Kominski held an interest meeting for the upcoming musical The Little Mermaid during lunch on Wednesday, September 9, and over thirty students attended to receive information about auditions.
Auditions will be held after school on Tuesday, September 14, with callbacks the following afternoon. Prospective cast members are expected to prepare one of nine preselected monologues as well as a song from the musical.
At the interest meeting, Kominski noted that there are many new faces she is excited to see. With an entire class of freshman and sophomores who have never participated in in-person Sherwood Theatre, there is a lot of new talent and potential for Kominski and the other casting directors to evaluate.
Even for upperclassmen, many students will be making their in-person Sherwood Theatre debut with upcoming auditions. Theatre co-president senior Kate Diuguid, whose Sherwood Theatre experience consists of mostly virtual performances, is looking forward to taking the stage. “Putting on shows online was a super odd experience, so I can only imagine the transition back to the stage will be even weirder. I think the adjustment will be difficult, but everyone is so passionate about making this happen,” said Diuguid.
Theatre co-vice president senior Christian Maffei will be making his theatre debut at Sherwood this fall, and he is excited for auditions. “I hope to calm everyone’s nerves and make it go as smoothly as possible,” said Maffei, “by helping anyone who just wants to practice or even a friend to talk to.”
Due to MCPS policy, auditions will be held with a mask requirement, meaning performers have to adjust to singing and acting with a face covering. Not only can masks restrict artistic expression, but singing with a mask can inhibit breath control, so it is something to get used to.
Although this year will not be quite the same as before, “Performing live … will be so exciting after not doing it for so long,” said Theatre co-president senior Emily Scholl. “The usual nervousness that comes with auditions is replaced with excitement to get back on stage!”