Brushing on the Creativity

by Riley Sandoval ‘22

What do you think of when you hear the word art? Paintings? Drawings? Maybe Picasso? When you think of art, makeup isn’t the first thing that comes to mind … if it comes to mind at all. Makeup is thought of as something to change your look, fix insecurities, or as something for girls to wear. But isn’t art what it is all about? Just like a painting or a drawing, makeup is used as a form of expression for the wearer. 

For many, quarantine has been a time for reflection and to find new hobbies and interests. We’ve found new creative outlets to fill our extra time and distract us from the current reality. As one of these hobbies, makeup has continued to transform into an art. The increased time spent quarantined at home has allowed for opportunities to practice and play with the seemingly endless combinations of different products and styles. Without the keen eyes of peers we fear may be judgemental, the isolation has allowed for personal growth and to follow our intrinsic motivations instead of what is always expected of us.

Just like any other art form, practice makes perfect. Makeup is often underestimated to be something easy, that can be done quickly and without effort. However, the time and skill required to create extravagant makeup looks says otherwise. Makeup should be regarded as an art form since it takes similar skill and qualities to create what is widely regarded as art. Someone may paint how they are feeling on a blank canvas, just like someone may apply makeup to align with their inner emotions. Artists paint what looks cool, what they want to create, just as makeup wearers create for themselves on their blank canvases. Makeup even has an extra difficulty since our faces form unique 3D canvases that are constantly changing with facial expressions. 

Similar to how there are paint brushes, paints, colored pencils, markers, etc. there are makeup brushes, blushes, concealers, lipsticks, eyeliners, and more. There is so much inspiration everywhere from makeup tutorials online to all of the products available. Everyone has their own canvas to put as much or as little makeup as they’d like. There’s minimalistic looks, abstract looks; the possibilities are endless! All of this is done to be wiped away at the end of the day leaving room for a continuous cycle of creating. 

Makeup allows for a new medium of art and expression that isn’t always appreciated for what it is. It’s an art. It is not just a way to look pretty or to accentuate beauty. Rather it is a show of skill and passion, and having fun being creative and letting the colors flow. In the end, why would they be called makeup artists if makeup wasn’t an art?