Good Times Never Felt So Good (As at the Fillmore with Dodie Clark)

by Will Unger ’19
As Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” (BA BA BA, you know the one) began, the soft sounds of a guitar and trumpet, barely audible above the crowd, were met with one last wave of applause.
I wasn’t describing the final moments of a Neil Diamond concert but it’s easy to see why you might think that. No, Diamond’s 1969 hit single was the final song in an incredible set of heartwarming acoustic pop by singer-songwriter Dodie Clark, who performed on September 11th at the Fillmore in Silver Spring.
Clark, who was billed simply as “dodie,” is out on tour again with frequent tour-mate and fellow YouTuber, Tessa Violet. I had the opportunity to see one of just a few dates on the pair’s short, month-long tour.
And what an opportunity it was.
Although not what I had initially come for, Violet’s opening performance was a pleasant surprise. Over the span of 40 minutes, Violet delivered a profound and heartfelt set of soul-bearing pop that had the entire audience swaying to the sound of her voice.
After a brief intermission, Clark, along with a violinist and cellist, in addition to a standard band, hopped onstage to resounding cheers, and launched into song.
The first song of the set was “Would You Be So Kind,” a bouncy tune about falling in love from Clark’s second album, “You.” Clark, with much enthusiasm and an audible smile, danced through the rest of her set, taking frequent breaks to talk to the audience and jam out with the band. A little later came “Intertwined, a soft ballad from the album by the same name, and a personal favorite of mine. Interspersed among fan favorites like “She” and “Sick of Losing Soulmates” were some new songs that the audience thoroughly enjoyed.
After that came the encore, and then “Sweet Caroline,” which got some of the loudest applause of the night. I had an awesome time and I would definitely recommend Clark’s music to anyone who enjoys acoustic pop. If you’re a fan of artists like Thomas Sanders or Rusty Clanton, you’ll love Dodie.