Amnesty International Advocates for Refugees

by Amnesty International Club

Around the world, people are driven to flee their homes to escape political conflicts and violence each day. From Syria to Somalia, millions of innocent people, more than half of which are children, are forced to abandon their countries in order to survive. The U.S. has always been known as a country for those seeking refuge and safety. However, even in light of the current global state of emergency, the U.S. has not made proactive efforts to send a message of hope and welcoming to these refugees; many officials have made it a priority to send messages of fear and hate.

We are a welcoming people and should increase the number of refugees allowed to resettle in the U.S. That is why we at Amnesty International Club are working to support Amnesty International’s ‘I Welcome Campaign’ in which groups across the U.S. are showing that they and their schools welcome refugees. Throughout the year, we will be advocating for refugees to be allowed into the U.S. and for an end to legislation that halts the resettlement of refugees based on discrimination. The United States must uphold its central values instead of turning away those who seek refuge in our great country.