Sherwood Mourns Death of New Athletic Director
by Emma Shuster ‘18
Walter Hardy, coach, teacher, administrator, and mentor in MCPS for over 25 years, suddenly died after collapsing at Sherwood on September 2.
Having known Hardy for several years, Paint Branch Athletic Director Heather Podosek created a set of rules and challenges on behalf of Hardy to commemorate him, “The Wally World Rules and Challenge.” The rules include: open your heart to others, focus on the positives, see the glass overflowing, laugh at ourselves and each other, go above and beyond, be on the front line of helping others, and live life to the fullest.
Hardy was hired in May as Sherwood’s athletic director and started in the position on July 1. Before coming to Sherwood, Hardy coached boys’ basketball, football, and volleyball at Paint Branch for 23 years. He was named All-Met Coach of the Year in 2000 after leading Paint Branch to Maryland’s 3A state basketball title. He also taught for fourteen years. After serving as Paint Branch’s assistant athletic director, he served as Kennedy’s athletic director for two school years, in 2015 and 2016.
“I have worked with Walter since 1996,” said Podosek. “He gave me so much. He reminded me daily not to take life so seriously, to love deeply, and to work and play hard. Walt taught me not to take myself too seriously and to enjoy each day. As for his students and players, he cared for them tremendously beyond the classroom or the court. He was always there to support them in both the good and tough times. Coach Hardy always expected the best out of them. He saw that they were so much more capable of things than they ever imagined.” PE teacher Bonnie Gilchrist is acting as Sherwood’s athletic director for the remaining school year. Teacher Marc Thomas has taken over for Gilchrist as the department head of physical education and health.
Hardy was loved by many across the county and will continue to be. “He taught me to enjoy every aspect of life and to see the good in everyone I came across. He brought out my competitive side but also taught me how to enjoy life at the same time,” said former student and colleague Sara Mayes.