Amanda Allen, Nicole Reich, and Tate Harrop – Senior Column
The Witches of Newspaper
Throughout the journey that is high school, students have to step out of their comfort zones. Whether it be sports, clubs, or societies, students have a place where they can get involved and make the most of their time. It’s all about meeting new people and testing your limits while you can. You might just meet the people who become your best friends. This is what happened when three of us decided to take a chance and join Newspaper.
It all started in the first semester of our sophomore year during Journalism. The three of us randomly sat next to each other, not even knowing each other’s names. Little did we know that we would become the best of friends.
Two years later, Newspaper class has passed by every day from 11:53 to 12:46. Between the three of us, we were able to figure out how to survive yet another afternoon class. We hoped the time would speed up, but writing this, we wished we could turn back the clock. For us, Newspaper was much more than learning how to write articles. One sports editor, one entertainment editor, and one spotlight editor came together to form a bond.
In the class, Mr. Huck refers to us as “the three witches of Macbeth,” because we always huddle in a group and talk. Although we rolled our eyes at that nickname, we must admit we were as close as can be. We are thankful for that nickname and take it as a compliment that represents the friendship we have.
Now as we embark on the next phase of our lives we have learned so much from this class. We are so thankful that we chose to give Newspaper a shot. Without the first step we took to try Newspaper, we wouldn’t be the same people we are today. So take those steps in the future no matter how scary or challenging they may seem, because in the end it is worth it