Hidden Gems for the Community
Everyone knows that Olney is home to multiple national food stores, banks, and restaurants. In the midst of all of these locations, the unique, local, family-owned shops are often neglected.
El Andariego
“El Andariego” or “The Wanderer,” after whom the Vasquez’s family restaurant is called is the result of their wandering journey—a journey to set down roots and to share their love of food with a communi- ty they could call home. They found themselves right here in Montgomery County all the way from their original roots in El Salvador.
In 1999, Cristina and Jaime Vasquez founded El Andariego, which quickly became one of the rst popular Mexican restaurants in the area. Jennifer, Cristina and Jaime’s daughter (who attends Blake High School) warmly greets every guest as they enter, many by name, happy to know that their family has indeed planted roots and created a gathering spot of warmth and welcome.
Double trouble: twin sisters and lifelong best friends Penny and Pam are the proud owners of Ser- endipity. In 2009, both women were working in retail shops when they saw that a long-standing store, But- ter eld’s, was closing. The store was housed in a blue building, originally built in the 1800s as a harness shop, and located at the intersection of two heavily traveled roads. They had always toyed with the idea of owning their own business, and couldn’t pass up such a perfect opportunity.
Living in the Highland area for so long, Penny and Pam also recognized that the Route 108 and Route 216 intersection needed a one-stop gift and clothing shop. With the help of family and friends, they cleaned up the space, repainted, and got ready for the grand opening in September 2009. They immediately had amazing and loyal customers, that helped spread the word about their store. Serendipity is now the go-to spot for gifts in the Olney and Ashton area.
Cricket Book Shop
This quaint, old-fashioned book shop is one that a person would nd in a fantasy. Located in the quiet village of Ashton, this book shop features recent titles, along with all of the classics that one would expect to nd in a large established book store. The staff warmly welcomes their guests into their store the way one would invite a friend into their home.
The Cricket Book Shop has been around for 47 years and is even considered a second home for students and members of the Olney community who need a place to relax.
ed States Government Employee, dressing up as Santa for the Santa Run is a job that he has been do- ing for the SSVFD since the year 1992.
“I volunteer to help the re
department give back to the com- munity with this yearly event. I enjoy making kids of all ages smile, and I hope this tradition goes on for many years in the fu- ture,” said McTighe.
Compiled By Zachary Weisenthal ’19