
by Madison Dymond

Everyone in high school suffers from a lack of motivation to do schoolwork. However, most students’ lack of motivation comes with thoughts such as, “This is stupid. I could be hanging out with my friends or watching Netflix.” Few have thoughts such as, “ThisispointlessbecauseeverythingismeaninglessinaninfiniteuniverseweareallsosmallandinsignificantdeathisinevitablethereisnosetpurposeforourexistenceallofthisonlyexistsinourperceptionthereisnosuchthingasrealitysowhywouldIdothishomeworkifeverythingiscompletelypointless.” I, sadly, am one of the few that is bombarded with these thoughts every time I pick up a pencil.

When I entered high school, I quickly became disappointed as I realized just how few people share this day-to-day experience. I simply wanted people to talk to about everything, as with the pain of thinking comes the pleasure of intellectual stimulation. Despite this, I do know that there are people out there who go through these crises during high school, so I would like to address them:

1. Use your curiosity and endless questions about the universe to motivate you to learn. A lot of your classes can be very satisfying intellectually if you actually pay attention.

2. Take some philosophy and psychology courses to quench your intellectual thirst.

3. Talk to someone about your thoughts. Believe it or not, there are actually people like you. Whether it’s a teacher, student, or parent, someone will understand. Existential crises are dangerous because once you fall into one, it seems impossible to get out. This hopelessness can lead to depression and anxiety. Don’t let your thoughts control you.

4. Use the lack of meaning in the universe to give life your own meaning. Strive for happiness. Get everything you can out of each experience. Learn. Listen. Let yourself exist in the moment.

I barely got through high school, but I did it. If I can do it, then honestly anyone can. Hang in there, take care of yourself, and just try to enjoy each day in any way you possibly can.