Turn, Turn, Turn to the Future of RnR
By Alleigh Keyes ’16
Although Rock ‘n’ Roll is celebrating 45 years, this year is more than a special anniversary, because it is also long-time director and choral teacher Bill Evan’s last production. This is a transition year, and next year, choral teacher and assistant director Mike Maddox will be taking over.
Maddox already has taken advantage of technology by uploading music and files to a Dropbox account, implementing a text message alert system and running a Facebook group.
Maddox has also helped greatly improve the quality of background vocals since he arrived three years ago. Not only do they practice during after-school rehearsals, but they also rehearse during lunch because he holds background vocals to high standards.
Most songs featured in the show are rock n’ roll classics, however, Maddox has contributed to some of the 80s and 90s songs in the show. He plans on upholding the show’s legacy. “Rock ‘n’ Roll is an amazing tradition that is older than I am. All I can hope to do is continue that tradition, and do everything I can to help the students perform in a way that is entertaining and authentic,” Maddox said.
Additionally, he cites Rock ‘n’ Roll as one of the best parts of his job. “Throughout the entire process of the show, from auditions, to song selection, long rehearsals, and two packed weekends of performances, I always feel lucky that this is what I get to do for a living,” Maddox said.