Students Honor Winiarz Through Social Media
By Ketki Chauhan ’16
Social media has added to the growth of communication for students across the globe. Recently at Sherwood, social media has also been used for students to honor their favorite teachers. Students in teacher Kevin Winiarz’s math class have created an account dedicated to him under the Twitter handle “@WiniarzRox”. The creators behind the account tweet comments made by Winiarz, boasting a follower count of about seventy, which includes upperclassmen, underclassmen and even some teachers.
“I got an anonymous tip from someone to make an account [for Winiarz] because I had been tweeting so many quotes from him,” said the creator of the Twitter account. The senior is one of two who have the password to the account; however, the tweets made by the account include submissions from other students in other periods. “This way we can get the funny from all the periods.”
Alongside the Twitter account is an Instagram account honoring Winiarz. It is run by a different senior and is under the handle @FlatWiniarz. “I made the account because Kevin Winiarz was giving away copies of his yearbook picture to his fans, and I thought it would be fun to turn it into like Flat Stanley (google it) and take pictures of the picture doing different things all around the school.”
Creators of the account encourage other students to “slide in their DMs” to submit tweets and pictures to the respective accounts. Both creators also have discretion over what is submitted, although most of what is sent will be posted.
“Most kids think it’s funny. Some think it’s creepy, probably because it is, but as Kevin Winiarz has said, (via @WiniarzRox on Twitter) ‘I have not done my job unless you leave with a headache,’” the creator of the Instagram account explained.
Winiarz knows of the account, claiming that his “prophetic vision” led him to the account. Although his initial reaction when learning about it was “#whatstwitter,” he now understands the social media platform, responding “#ohthat’stwitter.”