A Traveling Woman

IMG_2057By Zach Stubblefield ’15

To say Michelle Games has been bit by the travel bug would be a bit of an understatement. Having travelled to 42 countries in her lifetime so she was not just bit by this bug she was mauled by it.

Games stresses that is never too late to start traveling. She did not start traveling until her junior year of college when she went to study abroad in Rome. She loved the sights, culture, and of course the food that travelling the world allowed her to experience.

She has experienced many adventures while she has been abroad. She has been startled by an elephant while walking along a nature trail in Botswana. She has had to rely on foreigners for help multiple times whether it was for something as simple fixing a bike or as complicated as raising money to buy a train ticket after she lost hers. It has shown her how kind and thoughtful the human spirit can be.

“Southeast Asia is my favorite region. The people are so friendly, the food is great, and the climate is heavenly. The Buddhist culture is just so warm and welcoming.” While she emphasizes that everywhere she has been has been special she loves Southeast Asia, because of how nice and generous people are with the little they have.

She thinks that one must be mature when they travel though. They must have an open mind and remember that not everywhere has the same values as the United States.  They also must be responsible. Going around a foreign country inebriated is a good way to get robbed. Besides why would one pay thousands of dollars to get drunk when they can just do that at home?

“Traveling has made me grow as a human being, and given me a global perspective on many issues. It has showed me how beautiful the people in this world are and how no matter where you are there are kind people out there who are ready to help and better the lives of others.” Games does not just see herself as a US citizen anymore, but a global one. Traveling taught her to think how her actions will impact the world and she encourages others to think the same way.