It’s The Truth
This is not going to be about my experience at Sherwood because honestly, I’m completely focused on this coming year. Yes, the devastatingly fatal disease of senioritis has hit me. I don’t think about my PsychSim or my Calculus test. I’m thinking about my college schedule and if I will genuinely get along with my roommate as myself and not someone fake. So, I am going to take this time to address my roommate, because hopefully the rest of it will work itself out.
Listen Courtney, we all advertised our best sides on that Facebook group, but here I’m going to give it to you straight.
First, I burp a lot. I apologize now, but you have got to come to terms with that quickly. People burp. I do love pizza and movies, that’s definitely true. To be truthful, I’ll probably go to just a few athletic events, not a lot. The games, plus the people and the noise it’s too much, sorry.
I sort of sugar-coated the sleeping part. I love my sleep. If you decide to come stomping through our hall and banging on the door at 3 a.m., I will be pissed for a month. Also, life gets in the way of keeping my room clean. I will work on that – someday. In all likelihood, I will not work out with you. Running or going to the gym is my time to get away from people and socializing; why would I want to include someone? I’ll need that time to destress on my own.
My sarcasm is a level that you probably won’t get, that’s okay. Just be prepared to question whether everything I say – is serious or not. Also, I will correct text messages if you make a spelling or grammatical mistake; it’s a habit.
There are going to be times–probably a lot–when I am going to hang out with other people. I know I said that I wanted my roomie to be my best friend, but it’s hard to meet your best friend over Facebook. I completely lied on one part, so my apologies. I will not party as much as I study. Speech Pathology/Audiology is a seriously hard major. I’m going to need graduate school, so I will be working my butt off.
Just to be clear, no I will not come home with you for Thanksgiving. Because why would I take that free time to see my own family when I can spend the most family-orientated holiday with your family? Yay.
Alright, try not to let these flaws cloud your awesome judgment to room with me.