Misleading the Public

By Betelot Wondimu ’15

The passing of Freddie Gray marks the renewal of the mainstream media’s pseudo-analysis of a black man’s death at the hands of police. It begins by questioning the victim’s character, goes on to keep a close eye on protesters who demand police officers face appropriate consequences for their abuse of power and unnecessary violence, and finally scrutinizes any violence that emerges from the protests (seeming to forget it was police violence that initiated the protests).

This recurring pattern reveals that the mainstream media does not seek to completely explain the circumstances of a story to the American people. Rather, it strives to create the most enticing broadcast in hopes of getting higher ratings and more views. Instead of approaching police brutality and racial discrimination as the overriding problems at hand, it sees it more fit to focus on and condemn the reaction of those who are suffering from it. It is a disgrace that news media outlets don’t realize their huge role in shaping people’s ideas and take their responsibility of educating the public more seriously.