Boys’ Soccer Team Looks for In-House Coach
By Hunter Moore ’15
The 2015 boys’ soccer team is looking for a new coach, after the recent dismissal of its previous coach, Michael Kogok. No coach has been chosen yet, but it is rumored that the potential candidates have been narrowed down to history teacher and Northwest girls’ soccer coach Joshua Kinnetz, Guidance Counselor and JV coach William Saritori and Health teacher and varsity assistant Matthew Parsons.
A factor in the decision to not bring back Kogok is that Athletic Director Kathy Green believes it would be better to have a coach who works at Sherwood. “MCPS coaching stipends are for a season. It was decided to open up the position for the possibility of finding a teacher in the building to coach the boys’ soccer team,” said Green, who expects to name a new coach by early May.
Whoever Green ultimately decides choose should be positive for the team. The boys have already developed a relationship with each of the potential coaches, which should increase team chemistry.