Spirituality Linked to Increase in Wellness

By Marie Moeller ‘15

As learned in health class, spiritual health is one of the five factors that significantly impact your well-being. It is often overlooked as a critical factor to the health of high school students due to the connotation of the word “spirituality,” which is generally thought to be synonymous with “religion.” While partaking in a set religion is one way to actively engage in a spiritual journey, one does not need to believe in a supreme force or god to be spiritual. Put simply, spirituality is a discovery process in which you gain a sense of self through introspective thinking, allowing you to understand your own thoughts and your relation to the world which includes your family, your friends and the environment. Spirituality is proven to be an important aspect of people’s health. For high school students especially, spirituality should be emphasized as much as the mental, physical and social aspects of their health.

Since spirituality deals mainly with developing self-identity, one’s self-esteem, which is linked to how one perceives oneself, is greatly influenced by spirituality. A low self-esteem plays a contributing factor in many psychological problems such as depression and anxiety. Without a strong sense of self, one becomes more susceptible to the influence of others, which may lead to unhealthy relationships. Spirituality helps people to deal with everyday stress and maintain good habits that promote their self-esteem and, accordingly, their mental health. On an even larger scale, spirituality is important to those dealing with death. Many go through spiritual distress when they are, for example, diagnosed with cancer or experienced the death of a loved one. They may be angry at a higher power or question their own self-worth and meaning of their life. However, strengthening their spiritual health can give them the support they need to cope with such events. The belief in an afterlife, such as a heaven, can reassure those that are dying and their loved ones that once deceased they will go to a better place. Also, taking the time to grieve and perform personal rituals, such as memorials or spreading ashes, is very valuable in coming to terms with a death.

In addition, a growth in spirituality can strongly influence a desire to become physically healthy. Many established religions have certain traditions that advise members to avoid unhealthy behaviors and treat the body with respect. In addition, since one’s spiritual well-being reduces stress and helps to combat depression, the physical effects of such can improve. For instance, one may get more sleep, eat a more balanced diet, become less susceptible to colds due to a strengthened immune system and have less aches and pains.

A spiritual community can also be extremely beneficial. The sense of belonging and security that spiritual fellowships, such as church attendees and mediation groups, often strengthens one’s social health by forging strong relationships with people that can provide support, comfort and advice. Consequently, one study has proven that increased church attendance correlates with an improved mood and health.