What is a Foodie?

By Emma Hierholzer ‘ 15

To be a foodie is to be obsessed, enthralled and ultimately in love with the art of taste and all of its wonderful variations. As highfalutin as that sounds, anyone can be a foodie! Here are a few commonplace types that can be found in the foodie community. Which one are you?

The Snob

These can often be seen at the fanciest restaurants, delicately savoring (never just eating; eating is for plebes) their caviar-topped pâté imported from some faraway land. Never used to using his own kitchen, the snob expects his delicacies to be handed to him on a silver platter—quite literally. Although seemingly intimidating at first, these foodies can’t be taken too seriously. After all, they don’t even know how to make toast—they have their butlers do it for them.

The Organic

Everything and anything must be organic. You didn’t even know there was such a thing as organic Cheetos until your “organivore” friend told you. Organic in every sense of the word, these unmistakable foodies wouldn’t dare touch anything processed. Just the mention of that word is enough to make them jump out of their organic leather chair. But no matter how much these foodies tell you that the cookies they eat taste the same, you can’t help but feel like Toll House is the real winner.

The DIYer

“Wanna try some of this homemade cranberry chutney?” This is just one of many lines a do-it-yourself-er (DIYer) might use. These creative cooks are always trying to re-create their favorite restaurant dishes at home—and at any cost. While some may choose to spend their spare change on a movie ticket, DIYers are spending that money on a new spice or more flour. A word of caution about these foodies—don’t expect their kitchens (or hands for that matter) to be clean.

The Hipster Foodie

They are all different and yet all the same. These hip culinary experts are all about the latest underground trends. Whether it’s kale chips or nutella, the Hipster foodie always has to be ahead of the curve when it comes to the next food-fad. For beverages, the hipster prefers a hot cup of tea to the mainstream pumpkin-spice latte. Not only is this a great form of caffeine, it pairs wonderfully with a cat and a book.