Students Put into Alternate Technology Classes
By Will Van Gelder ‘16
This year dozens of students currently taking the course Designing Tech Solutions in actuality signed up for Foundations of Technology, one of the other courses offered for tech credit. Due to very high demand for Foundations and the fact that only one teacher, Jason Braverman, is teaching all of the classes, many of the students who would have liked to be placed in Foundations ended up being put into Solutions, taught by Pamela Johnson.
While these classes may sound similar from their course titles, there are significant differences. “Foundations is more a hands-on designing course, while Design is much more computer-focused and based on programs,” said counselor Jamii Avery.
This unexpected class change came as an irritating shock to some students who are now in a course that they didn’t sign up for. Jason Daigle, the technology resource teacher, explained the cause. “More students enrolled in the Foundations of Technology class than sections we were able to offer based on staffing needs and considerations,” said Daigle. “Designing Technology Solutions meets the same curriculum standards as the Foundations of Technology class so some students had to be shifted.”