Minimum Wage Set To Increase in Maryland

By Dalton Sanchez ‘15

An increase in Maryland’s minimum wage was voted on and approved in November of 2013. The changes will come into effect by 2018. The minimum wage would increase by $2.85, going from $7.25 to $10.10. This drastic increase has its advantages but could actually hurt teens looking for a job.

High minimum wage prices teens out of jobs. Nearly half of all minimum wage earners are teenagers or young people. However, when the minimum wage is boosted, it is likely that employers will cut down on hiring teens, who typically fill lower priority jobs.

Employers do not want to spend the time and effort training young high school employees who will end up quitting after they graduate. Employers are going to be set on hiring middle aged workers because of the lesser chance of them quitting within five years.

Some jobs for low-wage workers would probably be eliminated if minimum wage were raised. Teen unemployment is predicted to increase as the minimum wage hike is passed.